the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)
any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out; "at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash"
a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other
a thin coat of water-base paint
the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)
to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking; "The cat washes several times a day"
cleanse (one's body) with soap and water
form by erosion; "The river washed a ravine into the mountainside"
remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent; "he washed the dirt from his coat"; "The nurse washed away the blood"; "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?"; "he managed to wash out the stains"
apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to
clean with some chemical process
cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water; "Wash the towels, please!"
separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)
move by or as if by water; "The swollen river washed away the footbridge"
admit to testing or proof; "This silly excuse won't wash in traffic court"
be capable of being washed; "Does this material wash?"
full or promise; "had a bright future in publishing"; "the scandal threatened an abrupt end to a promising political career"
having lots of light either natural or artificial; "the room was bright and airy"; "a stage bright with spotlights"
emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts; "the sun was bright and hot"; "a bright sunlit room"
having striking color; "bright dress"; "brilliant tapestries"; "a bird with vivid plumage"
abounding with sunlight; "a bright sunny day"; "one shining morning"- John Muir; "when it is warm and shiny"
splendid; "the bright stars of stage and screen"; "a bright moment in history"; "the bright pageantry of court"
characterized by happiness or gladness; "bright faces"; "all the world seems bright and gay"
characterized by quickness and ease in learning; "some children are brighter in one subject than another"; "smart children talk earlier than the average"
made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; "bright silver candlesticks"; "a burnished brass knocker"; "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves"; "rows of shining glasses"; "shiny black patents"
clear and sharp and ringing; "the bright sound of the trumpet section"; "the brilliant sound of the trumpets"