Exact Match:
- constellation
- a configuration of stars as seen from the earth
- Antlia,
- Antlia Pneumatica,
- Apus,
- Aquarius,
- Ara,
- Big Dipper,
- Caela Sculptoris,
- Caelum,
- Camelopardus,
- Cancer,
- Columba Noae,
- Corona Australis,
- Corona Borealis,
- Corvus,
- Crater,
- Crux,
- Dorado,
- Draco,
- Equuleus,
- Friday,
- Friday the thirteenth,
- Gemini,
- Grus,
- Hercules,
- Horologium,
- Hydra,
- Lacerta,
- Leo,
- Leo Minor,
- Lepus,
- Libra,
- Little Dipper,
- Lupus,
- Lynx,
- Lyra,
- Malus,
- Mensa,
- Microscopium,
- Monoceros,
- Musca,
- Norma,
- Northern Cross,
- Octans,
- Ophiuchus,
- Orion,
- Pegasus,
- Phoenix,
- Reticulum,
- Sagittarius,
- Scorpius,
- Sculptor,
- Scutum,
- Sextans,
- Southern Cross,
- Taurus,
- Telescopium,
- Triangulum,
- Triangulum Australe,
- Tucana,
- Ursa Major,
- Ursa Minor,
- Vela,
- Virgo,
- Volans,
- Vulpecula,
- appointed lot,
- astral influences,
- astrology,
- big name,
- book of fate,
- celebrity,
- cup,
- cynosure,
- destination,
- destiny,
- dies funestis,
- doom,
- end,
- fatality,
- fate,
- figure,
- folk hero,
- foredoom,
- fortune,
- future,
- galaxy,
- great man,
- hero,
- heroine,
- ides of March,
- idol,
- immortal,
- important person,
- inevitability,
- kismet,
- lion,
- lot,
- luminaries,
- luminary,
- man of mark,
- master spirit,
- moira,
- name,
- notability,
- notable,
- person of note,
- personage,
- planets,
- pleiad,
- pop hero,
- popular hero,
- popular idol,
- portion,
- public figure,
- social lion,
- somebody,
- star,
- stars,
- superstar,
- the Balance,
- the Bull,
- the Crane,
- the Cross,
- the Crow,
- the Cup,
- the Dragon,
- the Fly,
- the Foal,
- the Hare,
- the Indian,
- the Lion,
- the Lizard,
- the Lynx,
- the Lyre,
- the Mast,
- the Octant,
- the Rule,
- the Sails,
- the Sea Serpent,
- the Serpent,
- the Serpent Bearer,
- the Sextant,
- the Southern Crown,
- the Swan,
- the Table,
- the Telescope,
- the Toucan,
- the Twins,
- the Unicorn,
- the Virgin,
- the Water Bearer,
- the Wolf,
- the Wreath,
- unlucky day,
- weird,
- wheel of fortune,
- will of Heaven,
- worthy