Exact Match:
- contribute
- contribute to some cause; "I gave at the office"
- be conducive to; "The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing"
- accommodate,
- add to,
- advance,
- afford,
- aid,
- assist,
- augment,
- be enfranchised,
- be implicated in,
- bear a hand,
- bend to,
- bestow,
- bias,
- chip in,
- clothe,
- come through,
- compare,
- conduce,
- contribute to,
- dispose,
- donate,
- donate to,
- endow,
- enter into,
- fill,
- fill up,
- find,
- fortify,
- forward,
- fund,
- furnish,
- gift,
- gift with,
- give,
- give to,
- go,
- go into,
- grant,
- have a tendency,
- have suffrage,
- head,
- help,
- help decide,
- incline,
- invest,
- join,
- join in,
- keep,
- kick in,
- lead,
- lean,
- look to,
- maintain,
- make available,
- make provision for,
- make the scene,
- partake,
- partake of,
- participate,
- participate in,
- pitch in,
- pledge,
- point,
- point to,
- prepare,
- present,
- promote,
- provide,
- provide for,
- pull an oar,
- recruit,
- redound to,
- reinforce,
- replenish,
- serve,
- set,
- set toward,
- show a tendency,
- sit in,
- sit in on,
- stock,
- store,
- strengthen,
- subscribe,
- subsidize,
- supplement,
- supply,
- support,
- sweeten the kitty,
- take part in,
- tend,
- trend,
- turn,
- verge,
- vote,
- warp,
- work toward,
- yield