the act of making up your mind about something; "the burden of decision was his"; "he drew his conclusions quickly"
a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"; "his conclusion took the evidence into account"; "satisfied with the panel's determination"
the outcome of a game or contest; "the team dropped three decisions in a row"
(boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred; "had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent"
a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"
a room that is entered via a door; "his office is the third door down the hall on the left"
a structure where people live or work (usually ordered along a street or road); "the office next door"; "they live two doors up the street from us"
anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success"
the action of alienating; the action of causing to become unfriendly; "his behavior alienated the other students"
(law) the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to another; "the power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership"
the act of allowing; "He objected to the allowance of smoking in the dining room"
a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit"
an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period); "travel allowance"; "my weekly allowance of two eggs"; "a child's allowance should not be too generous"
fail to win; "We lost the battle but we won the war"
suffer the loss of a person through death or removal; "She lost her husband in the war"; "The couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her"
allow to go out of sight; "The detective lost the man he was shadowing after he had to stop at a red light"
miss from one's possessions; lose sight of; "I've lost my glasses again!"
fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense; "She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat"
fail to get or obtain; "I lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad"
fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit; "I lost thousands of dollars on that bad investment!"; "The company turned a loss after the first year"
make payment to; compensate; "My efforts were not remunerated"
make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident"
adjust for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion (as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen); always occurs accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent