Exact Match:
- evidence
- your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief; "the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling"
- an indication that makes something evident; "his trembling was evidence of his fear"
- (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved
- Christophany,
- Satanophany,
- account,
- acquaintance,
- affect,
- affidavit,
- affirmation,
- angelophany,
- announcement,
- apparentness,
- appearance,
- approve,
- argue,
- argument,
- assertion,
- atmospheric visibility,
- attest,
- attestation,
- avatar,
- averment,
- basis,
- bear witness,
- bespeak,
- betoken,
- blue book,
- brandish,
- breathe,
- briefing,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring into view,
- bring out,
- bring to notice,
- bulletin,
- catchword,
- ceiling,
- ceiling unlimited,
- certification,
- clarity,
- clearness,
- clue,
- communication,
- communique,
- confirm,
- confirmation,
- connote,
- conspicuity,
- conspicuousness,
- corroboration,
- crystal-clearness,
- cue,
- cue word,
- dangle,
- data,
- datum,
- definiteness,
- definition,
- demonstrate,
- demonstration,
- denote,
- deposition,
- develop,
- directory,
- disclose,
- disclosure,
- dispatch,
- display,
- dissemination,
- distinctness,
- divulge,
- documentation,
- dramatize,
- embodiment,
- embody,
- enact,
- enlightenment,
- epiphany,
- evidentness,
- evince,
- evincement,
- exhibit,
- expose,
- expose to view,
- express,
- expression,
- facts,
- factual information,
- familiarization,
- flaunt,
- flourish,
- furnish evidence,
- gen,
- general information,
- give indication of,
- give sign,
- give token,
- go to show,
- grounds,
- guidebook,
- handout,
- hard information,
- high visibility,
- highlight,
- hint,
- hot lead,
- illuminate,
- illustrate,
- imply,
- incarnate,
- incarnation,
- incidental information,
- index,
- indicate,
- indication,
- info,
- information,
- instruction,
- intelligence,
- intimation,
- involve,
- key,
- key word,
- knowledge,
- lead,
- light,
- low visibility,
- make clear,
- make plain,
- manifest,
- manifestation,
- manifestness,
- mark,
- materialization,
- materialize,
- mean,
- mention,
- message,
- notice,
- notification,
- obviousness,
- openness,
- openness to sight,
- overtness,
- palpability,
- parade,
- patentness,
- percipi,
- perform,
- perspicuity,
- plainness,
- pneumatophany,
- point to,
- present,
- presentation,
- proclaim,
- produce,
- prominence,
- promotional material,
- proof,
- prove,
- publication,
- publicity,
- release,
- report,
- represent,
- reveal,
- revelation,
- roll out,
- scent,
- seeing,
- set forth,
- show,
- show forth,
- show signs of,
- sidelight,
- sign,
- signalize,
- significant,
- signify,
- speak for itself,
- speak volumes,
- spoor,
- spotlight,
- statement,
- substantiation,
- suggest,
- suggestion,
- summation,
- summing up,
- support,
- symptom,
- symptomatize,
- tangibility,
- tell,
- telltale,
- tend to show,
- testament,
- testify,
- testimonial,
- testimony,
- the dope,
- the goods,
- the know,
- the scoop,
- theophany,
- tip-off,
- token,
- trace,
- transmission,
- trot out,
- unfold,
- unmistakableness,
- unquestionability,
- validation,
- verification,
- vestige,
- visibility,
- visibility unlimited,
- visibility zero,
- wave,
- whiff,
- white book,
- white paper,
- witness,
- word