Exact Match:
- forbidden fruit
- originally an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden; it is now used to refer to anything that is tempting but dangerous (as sexuality)
- Eighteenth Amendment,
- Prohibition Party,
- Volstead Act,
- agacerie,
- allure,
- allurement,
- ambition,
- appeal,
- attraction,
- attractiveness,
- ban,
- beguilement,
- beguiling,
- bewitchery,
- bewitchment,
- blandishment,
- cajolery,
- captivation,
- catch,
- charisma,
- charm,
- charmingness,
- come-hither,
- contraband,
- dearest wish,
- denial,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- desire,
- disallowance,
- embargo,
- enchantment,
- enthrallment,
- enticement,
- entrapment,
- exclusion,
- fascination,
- flirtation,
- forbiddance,
- forbidding,
- glamour,
- glimmering goal,
- golden vision,
- hope,
- index,
- index expurgatorius,
- index librorum prohibitorum,
- inducement,
- inhibition,
- injunction,
- interdict,
- interdiction,
- interdictum,
- interest,
- inveiglement,
- invitation,
- law,
- lodestone,
- magnet,
- magnetism,
- no-no,
- plum,
- preclusion,
- prevention,
- prize,
- prohibition,
- prohibitory injunction,
- proscription,
- refusal,
- rejection,
- repression,
- restrictive covenants,
- ruling out,
- seducement,
- seduction,
- seductiveness,
- sex appeal,
- snaring,
- statute,
- sumptuary laws,
- suppression,
- taboo,
- tantalization,
- temptation,
- tree of knowledge,
- trophy,
- winning ways,
- winsomeness,
- wish,
- witchery,
- wooing,
- zoning,
- zoning laws