Exact Match:
- furnish
- provide or equip with furniture; "We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style"
- accommodate,
- accommodate with,
- accouter,
- adapt,
- adjust,
- afford,
- apparel,
- appoint,
- arm,
- array,
- attune,
- bear,
- bear fruit,
- bring forth,
- capacitate,
- clothe,
- condition,
- contribute,
- decorate,
- deliver,
- dispense,
- donate,
- dower,
- dress,
- enable,
- endow,
- endue,
- equip,
- favor with,
- feed,
- fill,
- fill up,
- find,
- fit,
- fit out,
- fit up,
- fructify,
- fruit,
- fund,
- gear,
- give,
- hand,
- hand over,
- heap upon,
- heel,
- indulge with,
- invest,
- keep,
- lavish upon,
- maintain,
- make available,
- make provision for,
- man,
- mount,
- munition,
- outfit,
- pour on,
- prepare,
- present,
- produce,
- provide,
- provide for,
- provision,
- put in trim,
- put in tune,
- qualify,
- recruit,
- replenish,
- rig,
- rig out,
- rig up,
- shower down upon,
- staff,
- stock,
- stock up,
- store,
- subsidize,
- suit,
- supply,
- support,
- transfer,
- tune,
- turn out,
- turn over,
- yield