Exact Match:
- gastric juice
- digestive secretions of the stomach glands consisting chiefly of hydrochloric acid and mucin and the enzymes pepsin and rennin and lipase
- absorption,
- assimilation,
- autacoid,
- bile,
- chalone,
- digestion,
- digestive secretion,
- digestive system,
- endocrine,
- gall,
- gastrointestinal tract,
- hormone,
- ingestion,
- intestinal juice,
- liver,
- mucus,
- pancreas,
- pancreatic digestion,
- pancreatic juice,
- predigestion,
- prostatic fluid,
- rheum,
- saliva,
- salivary digestion,
- salivary glands,
- salivary secretion,
- secondary digestion,
- semen,
- sperm,
- tears,
- thyroxin