Exact Match:
- gouge
- the act of gouging
- and edge tool with a blade like a trough for cutting channels or grooves
- force with the thumb; "gouge out his eyes"
- alveolation,
- alveolus,
- auger,
- avulse,
- bandage,
- beat,
- bedazzle,
- beguile of,
- benight,
- bezel,
- bilk,
- bite,
- blackmail,
- bleed,
- bleed white,
- blind,
- blind the eyes,
- blindfold,
- bore,
- broach,
- bunco,
- burn,
- burrow,
- canal,
- canalize,
- carve,
- chamfer,
- channel,
- chase,
- cheat,
- chink,
- chisel,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- clip,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- con,
- corrugate,
- corrugation,
- countersink,
- cozen,
- crack,
- cranny,
- crib,
- crimp,
- cut,
- cut out,
- cutthroat,
- dado,
- darken,
- daze,
- dazzle,
- defraud,
- delve,
- dent,
- deprive of sight,
- deracinate,
- diddle,
- dig,
- dig out,
- dig up,
- dike,
- dim,
- dimple,
- dint,
- disentangle,
- ditch,
- do in,
- do out of,
- draw,
- draw out,
- dredge,
- dredge up,
- drill,
- drive,
- eclipse,
- empierce,
- engrave,
- engraving,
- eradicate,
- euchre,
- evolve,
- evulse,
- exact,
- exacting,
- excavate,
- excecate,
- excessive,
- excise,
- exorbitant,
- exploit,
- exsect,
- extort,
- extortionate,
- extract,
- extravagant,
- extricate,
- fancy,
- finagle,
- fix,
- flam,
- fleece,
- flimflam,
- flute,
- fluting,
- fob,
- fudge,
- furrow,
- gash,
- get out,
- glare,
- goffer,
- gore,
- gouge out,
- gouging,
- groove,
- grossly overpriced,
- grub,
- grub up,
- gull,
- gully,
- gyp,
- have,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- hold up,
- hole,
- hollow,
- hollow out,
- honeycomb,
- hoodwink,
- immoderate,
- impale,
- impress,
- impression,
- imprint,
- incise,
- incision,
- indent,
- indentation,
- indention,
- indenture,
- inflationary,
- inordinate,
- lance,
- lower,
- make blind,
- microgroove,
- milk,
- mine,
- mulct,
- needle,
- notch,
- obscure,
- out of bounds,
- out of sight,
- outrageous,
- overcharge,
- overprice,
- overpriced,
- overtax,
- pack the deal,
- penetrate,
- perforate,
- pick out,
- pierce,
- pigeon,
- pinch,
- pink,
- pit,
- pleat,
- plow,
- pluck out,
- pluck up,
- pock,
- pockmark,
- practice fraud upon,
- preposterous,
- prick,
- print,
- profiteer,
- prohibitive,
- pull,
- pull out,
- pull up,
- punch,
- puncture,
- quarry,
- rabbet,
- rake out,
- ream,
- ream out,
- remove,
- riddle,
- rifle,
- rifling,
- rip out,
- rook,
- root out,
- root up,
- ruck,
- run through,
- rut,
- sap,
- scam,
- scoop,
- scoop out,
- score,
- scrabble,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- screw,
- sell gold bricks,
- shake,
- shave,
- shortchange,
- shovel,
- sink,
- skewer,
- skin,
- skyrocketing,
- slit,
- snow-blind,
- soak,
- spade,
- spear,
- spike,
- spiraling,
- spit,
- squeeze,
- stab,
- stack the cards,
- stick,
- sting,
- streak,
- stria,
- striate,
- striation,
- strike blind,
- sulcation,
- sulcus,
- sunken part,
- surcharge,
- swindle,
- take a dive,
- take out,
- tap,
- tear out,
- thimblerig,
- throw a fight,
- transfix,
- transpierce,
- trench,
- trepan,
- trephine,
- trough,
- tunnel,
- unconscionable,
- undue,
- unearth,
- unravel,
- unreasonable,
- unwarranted,
- uproot,
- usurious,
- victimize,
- weed out,
- well-worn groove,
- withdraw,
- wrench,
- wrest,
- wrest out,
- wrinkle