Exact Match:
- harden
- become hard or harder; "The wax hardened"
- make hard or harder; "The cold hardened the butter"
- acclimate,
- acclimatize,
- accommodate,
- accustom,
- adapt,
- adjust,
- anneal,
- be tough,
- beef up,
- brace,
- brace up,
- break,
- break in,
- brutalize,
- buttress,
- cake,
- calcify,
- callous,
- case harden,
- caseharden,
- compact,
- concrete,
- condition,
- confirm,
- conform,
- congeal,
- consolidate,
- cornify,
- crystallize,
- densify,
- domesticate,
- domesticize,
- dry,
- endure,
- establish,
- familiarize,
- firm,
- fix,
- fortify,
- fossilize,
- freeze,
- gentle,
- gird,
- habituate,
- hang tough,
- housebreak,
- indurate,
- intensify,
- inure,
- invigorate,
- lapidify,
- lithify,
- naturalize,
- nerve,
- orient,
- orientate,
- ossify,
- petrify,
- prop,
- refresh,
- reinforce,
- reinvigorate,
- restrengthen,
- season,
- set,
- shore up,
- solidify,
- steel,
- stiffen,
- strengthen,
- support,
- sustain,
- tame,
- temper,
- toughen,
- train,
- turn to stone,
- undergird,
- vitrify,
- wont