characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance; "a conceited fool"; "an attitude of self-conceited arrogance"; "an egotistical disregard of others"; "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"; "growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary"; "vain about her clothes"
having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy; "some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines"; "haughty aristocrats"; "his lordly manners were offensive"; "walked with a prideful swagger"; "very sniffy about breaches of etiquette"; "his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air"; "a more swaggering mood than usual"- W.L.Shirer
a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes
pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions; "She posed as the Czar's daughter"
behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"
an extended outer surface of an object; "he turned the box over to examine the bottom side"; "they painted all four sides of the house"
either the left or right half of a body; "he had a pain in his side"
an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect); "he was on the heavy side"; "he is on the purchasing side of the business"; "it brought out his better side"
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; "there are two sides to every question"
a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
a family line of descent; "he gets his brains from his father's side"
one of two or more contesting groups; "the Confederate side was prepared to attack"
a surface forming part of the outside of an object; "he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf"
a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure; "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side"
a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location; "they always sat on the right side of the church"; "he never left my side"
take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for; "We all rooted for the home team"; "I'm pulling for the underdog"; "Are you siding with the defender of the title?"
take the side of; be on the side of; "Whose side are you on?"; "Why are you taking sides with the accused?"
offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; "an autocratic person"; "autocratic behavior"; "a bossy way of ordering others around"; "a rather aggressive and dominating character"; "managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"; "a swaggering peremptory manner"
so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe; "colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple"; "has a colossal nerve"; "a prodigious storm"; "a stupendous field of grass"; "stupendous demand"
making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction; "a pretentious country house"; "a pretentious fraud"; "a pretentious scholarly edition"