- acolyte,
- acolytus,
- apostleship,
- apostolic orders,
- appointment,
- baptism,
- call,
- calling,
- canonization,
- care of souls,
- conferment,
- confirmation,
- consecration,
- deacon,
- diaconus,
- doorkeeper,
- election,
- exorcist,
- exorcista,
- extreme unction,
- induction,
- installation,
- institution,
- investiture,
- lector,
- major orders,
- matrimony,
- minor orders,
- nomination,
- ordainment,
- orders,
- ordination,
- ostiarius,
- pastorage,
- pastoral care,
- pastorate,
- penance,
- preferment,
- presbyter,
- presentation,
- priest,
- priesthood,
- priestship,
- rabbinate,
- reader,
- reading in,
- sacred calling,
- seven sacraments,
- subdeacon,
- subdiaconus,
- the Eucharist,
- the church,
- the cloth,
- the desk,
- the ministry,
- the pulpit,
- vocation