primary social group; parents and children; "he wanted to have a good job before starting a family"
people descended from a common ancestor; "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"
a social unit living together; "he moved his family to Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"
an association of people who share common beliefs or activities; "the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family"; "the church welcomed new members into its fellowship"
buildings for carrying on industrial labor; "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles"
something planted secretly for discovery by another; "the police used a plant to trick the thieves"; "he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant"
an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience
put firmly in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"
place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"
put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"
characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination; "effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive"; "riotous times"; "these troubled areas"; "the tumultuous years of his administration"; "a turbulent and unruly childhood"
in a powerful manner; "the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist"
literary term for an ocean; "denizens of the deep"
the central and most intense or profound part; "in the deep of night"; "in the deep of winter"
exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy; "deep political machinations"; "a deep plot"
strong; intense; "deep purple"; "a rich red"
very distant in time or space; "deep in the past"; "deep in enemy territory"; "deep in the woods"; "a deep space probe"
having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination; "a deep well"; "a deep dive"; "deep water"; "a deep casserole"; "a deep gash"; "deep massage"; "deep pressure receptors in muscles"; "deep shelves"; "a deep closet"; "surrounded by a deep yard"; "hit the ball to deep center field"; "in deep space"; "waist-deep"
relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply; "a deep breath"; "a deep sigh"; "deep concentration"; "deep emotion"; "a deep trance"; "in a deep sleep"
with head or back bent low; "a deep bow"
large in quantity or size; "deep cuts in the budget"
extreme; "in deep trouble"; "deep happiness"
marked by depth of thinking; "deep thoughts"; "a deep allegory"
relatively thick from top to bottom; "deep carpets"; "deep snow"
extending relatively far inward; "a deep border"
to far into space; "penetrated deep into enemy territory"; "went deep into the woods";
to an advanced time; "deep into the night"; "talked late into the evening"
a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action; "the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam"
the act of becoming formally connected or joined; "welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university"
a social or business relationship; "a valuable financial affiliation"; "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"; "many close associations with England"
a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme"
(music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"
provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus"
the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability"
the boundary of a specific area
as far as something can go
the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed; "there are limits on the amount you can bet"; "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight"
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"