Exact Match:
- meticulous
- marked by extreme care in treatment of details; "a meticulous craftsman"; "almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities"
- marked by precise accordance with details; "meticulous research"; "punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette"
- OK,
- Spartan,
- Spartanic,
- absolute,
- accurate,
- active,
- advertent,
- agog,
- alert,
- all ears,
- all eyes,
- all right,
- assiduous,
- astringent,
- attentive,
- austere,
- authoritarian,
- aware,
- careful,
- cautious,
- censorious,
- choicy,
- choosy,
- close,
- compliant,
- concentrated,
- conforming,
- conscientious,
- conscionable,
- conscious,
- constant,
- correct,
- critical,
- dead right,
- delicate,
- demanding,
- detailed,
- devoted,
- devout,
- diligent,
- discriminating,
- discriminative,
- dour,
- duteous,
- dutiful,
- earnest,
- exact,
- exacting,
- exigent,
- exquisite,
- faithful,
- fastidious,
- faultless,
- fine,
- finical,
- finicking,
- finicky,
- flawless,
- full,
- fussy,
- grim,
- harsh,
- heedful,
- intense,
- intent,
- intentive,
- just,
- just right,
- letter-perfect,
- loyal,
- methodical,
- microscopic,
- mindful,
- minute,
- narrow,
- nice,
- niggling,
- observant,
- observing,
- okay,
- on the ball,
- on the job,
- open-eared,
- open-eyed,
- openmouthed,
- orderly,
- overconscientious,
- overscrupulous,
- painstaking,
- particular,
- perfect,
- perfectionist,
- perfectionistic,
- pernickety,
- picayune,
- picky,
- practicing,
- precious,
- precise,
- precisian,
- precisianistic,
- precisionist,
- precisionistic,
- priggish,
- proper,
- prudish,
- punctilious,
- punctual,
- puristic,
- puritanic,
- refined,
- regardful,
- religious,
- right,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- rugged,
- scrupulous,
- scrutinizing,
- selective,
- sensitive,
- severe,
- special,
- specific,
- stern,
- straight,
- straight-up-and-down,
- strict,
- stringent,
- subtle,
- tender-conscienced,
- thorough,
- tough,
- true,
- unsparing,
- watchful