Exact Match:
- mooring
- (nautical) a line that holds an object (especially a boat) in place
- a place where a craft can be made fast
- anchor,
- anchorage,
- anchorage ground,
- basin,
- berth,
- breakwater,
- bulkhead,
- colonization,
- debarkation,
- disembarkation,
- disembarkment,
- dock,
- dockage,
- docking,
- dockyard,
- dropping anchor,
- dry dock,
- embankment,
- establishment,
- fixation,
- foundation,
- going ashore,
- groin,
- harbor,
- harborage,
- haven,
- hook,
- inauguration,
- initiation,
- installation,
- installment,
- investiture,
- jetty,
- jutty,
- landfall,
- landing,
- landing place,
- landing stage,
- lodgment,
- marina,
- mole,
- mooring buoy,
- moorings,
- mudhook,
- peopling,
- pier,
- plantation,
- population,
- port,
- protected anchorage,
- quay,
- road,
- roads,
- roadstead,
- seaport,
- seawall,
- settlement,
- settling,
- shipyard,
- slip,
- tying up,
- wharf