a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole; "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"; "the aggregated amount of indebtedness"
formed of separate units in a cluster; "raspberries are aggregate fruits"
a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment
the second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus
not original; not being or productive of something fresh and unusual; "the manuscript contained unoriginal emendations"; "his life had been unoriginal, conforming completely to the given pattern"- Gwethalyn Graham
the quality imparted to voiced speech sounds by the action of the resonating chambers of the throat and mouth and nasal cavities
a vibration of large amplitude produced by a relatively small vibration near the same frequency of vibration as the natural frequency of the resonating system
an excited state of a stable particle causing a sharp maximum in the probability of absorption of electromagnetic radiation
come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"
be found or available; "These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled"
happen as a result; "Nothing good will come of this"
reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position; "The water came to a boil"; "We came to understand the true meaning of life"; "Their anger came to a boil"; "I came to realize the true meaning of life"; "The shoes came untied"; "come into contact with a terrorist group"; "his face went red"; "your wish will come true"
have a certain priority; "My family comes first"
cover a certain distance; "She came a long way"
move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"
be received; "News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
experience orgasm; "she could not come because she was too upset"
to be the product or result; "Melons come from a vine"; "Understanding comes from experience"
develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans"
extend or reach; "The water came up to my waist"; "The sleeves come to your knuckles"
exist or occur in a certain point in a series; "Next came the student from France"
obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service; "kept a fire extinguisher available"; "much information is available through computers"; "available in many colors"; "the list of available candidates is unusually long"
convenient for use or disposal; "the house is available after July 1"; "2000 square feet of usable office space"
not busy; not otherwise committed; "he was not available for comment"; "he was available and willing to accompany her"