- accessory,
- accidental,
- accompanying,
- additional,
- ado,
- adventitious,
- afloat,
- afoot,
- aleatory,
- auxiliary,
- behind the scenes,
- by-the-way,
- casual,
- causal,
- causative,
- ceremonial,
- circumstantial,
- conditional,
- constitutive,
- contingent,
- current,
- decisive,
- determinative,
- doing,
- effectual,
- etiological,
- eventuating,
- extra,
- few,
- formative,
- going on,
- happening,
- in hand,
- in the wind,
- incidental,
- inessential,
- infrequent,
- institutive,
- intermittent,
- irregular,
- nonessential,
- occurring,
- odd,
- off,
- on,
- on foot,
- ongoing,
- originative,
- out-of-the-way,
- parenthetical,
- part-time,
- particular,
- passing,
- periodic,
- pivotal,
- prevailing,
- prevalent,
- provisional,
- random,
- rare,
- resultant,
- ritual,
- scarce,
- seldom,
- side,
- spare,
- special,
- sporadic,
- supplementary,
- taking place,
- uncommon,
- under way,
- unessential,
- unfrequent