Exact Match:
- parasite
- an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant); it obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host
- adherent,
- algae,
- appendage,
- attendance,
- attendant,
- autophyte,
- barnacle,
- bean,
- beat,
- bedbug,
- beggar,
- bloodsucker,
- body of retainers,
- bracken,
- brown algae,
- buff,
- bummer,
- cadger,
- cat flea,
- cavaliere servente,
- chigoe,
- climber,
- cockroach,
- cohort,
- conferva,
- confervoid,
- cortege,
- coupon clippers,
- court,
- courtier,
- crab,
- creeper,
- dangler,
- deadbeat,
- dependent,
- diatom,
- disciple,
- dog flea,
- drone,
- entourage,
- fan,
- fern,
- flea,
- flunky,
- follower,
- following,
- freeloader,
- fruits and vegetables,
- fucus,
- fungus,
- grapevine,
- grayback,
- green algae,
- gulfweed,
- hanger-on,
- henchman,
- herb,
- heterophyte,
- homme de cour,
- hyena,
- idle rich,
- idler,
- ivy,
- jackal,
- jigger,
- kelp,
- laze,
- leech,
- legume,
- leisure class,
- lentil,
- liana,
- lichen,
- liverwort,
- lounge lizard,
- louse,
- lumpen proletariat,
- mendicant,
- mite,
- mold,
- moocher,
- mosquito,
- moss,
- mushroom,
- nit,
- nonworker,
- panhandler,
- parasitic plant,
- parasitize,
- partisan,
- pea,
- perthophyte,
- phytoplankton,
- planktonic algae,
- plant families,
- public,
- puffball,
- pulse,
- pursuer,
- pursuivant,
- red algae,
- red bug,
- rentiers,
- retinue,
- roach,
- rockweed,
- rout,
- rust,
- sand flea,
- saprophyte,
- sargasso,
- sargassum,
- satellite,
- scrounge,
- scrounger,
- sea lentil,
- sea moss,
- sea wrack,
- seaweed,
- sectary,
- shadow,
- smell-feast,
- smut,
- spiv,
- sponge,
- sponger,
- stooge,
- successor,
- succulent,
- sucker,
- suite,
- supporter,
- tagtail,
- tail,
- the unemployable,
- the unemployed,
- tick,
- toadstool,
- train,
- trainbearer,
- vermin,
- vetch,
- vine,
- votary,
- ward heeler,
- weevil,
- wood tick,
- wort,
- wrack