Exact Match:
- partake
- consume; "She didn't touch her food all night"
- have, give, or receive a share of; "We shared the cake"
- have some of the qualities or attributes of something
- acquire,
- be enfranchised,
- be implicated in,
- bear a hand,
- break bread,
- catch up,
- chip in,
- claim,
- clap hands on,
- clasp,
- claw,
- clench,
- clinch,
- clutch,
- contribute,
- count calories,
- diet,
- drain off,
- draw off,
- eat,
- embrace,
- enter into,
- evoke,
- fall to,
- fare,
- feed,
- get,
- get hold of,
- glom on to,
- go into,
- grab,
- grab hold of,
- grapple,
- grasp,
- grip,
- gripe,
- have suffrage,
- help decide,
- hint at,
- hug,
- hunger,
- imply,
- intimate,
- join,
- join in,
- lay hands on,
- lay hold of,
- loot,
- make the scene,
- nail,
- nip,
- nip up,
- palm,
- partake in,
- partake of,
- participate,
- participate in,
- pillage,
- pitch in,
- pocket,
- possess,
- pull an oar,
- receive,
- relish,
- savor,
- seize,
- share,
- share in,
- sit in,
- sit in on,
- snap up,
- snatch,
- steal,
- suggest,
- take,
- take by assault,
- take by storm,
- take hold of,
- take part in,
- take possession,
- taste,
- vote,
- whip up