Exact Match:
- perpendicular
- an extremely steep face
- a Gothic style in 14th and 15th century England; characterized by vertical lines and a four-centered (Tudor) arch and fan vaulting
- a straight line at right angles to another line
- extremely steep; "the great perpendicular face of the cliff"
- intersecting at or forming right angles; "the axes are perpendicular to each other"
- air line,
- axis,
- azimuth circle,
- beeline,
- chord,
- diagonal,
- diameter,
- direct line,
- directrix,
- edge,
- erect,
- great-circle course,
- normal,
- orthodiagonal,
- orthogonal,
- orthometric,
- plumb,
- plunging,
- precipitous,
- radius,
- radius vector,
- rectangular,
- right angle,
- right line,
- right-angle,
- right-angled,
- right-angular,
- secant,
- segment,
- sheer,
- shortcut,
- side,
- stand-up,
- steep,
- straight,
- straight course,
- straight line,
- straight stretch,
- straight-up,
- straight-up-and-down,
- straightaway,
- streamline,
- tangent,
- transversal,
- up-and-down,
- upright,
- vector,
- vertical,
- vertical circle