a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation; "he made an audit of all the plants on his property"; "an energy efficiency audit"; "an email log audit"
attend academic courses without getting credit
examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification; "audit accounts and tax returns"
aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are; "a realistic description"; "a realistic view of the possibilities"; "a realistic appraisal of our chances"; "the actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans"
of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism; "a realistic system of thought"
a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth; fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression
of or involving the mouth or mouth region or the surface on which the mouth is located; "the oral cavity"; "the oral mucous membrane"; "the oral surface of a starfish"
using speech rather than writing; "an oral tradition"; "an oral agreement"
of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth; "oral hygiene"; "an oral thermometer"; "an oral vaccine"
come up with; "His colleagues worked out his interesting idea"; "We worked up an ad for our client"
be calculated; "The fees work out to less than $1,000"
happen in a certain way, leading to, producing, or resulting in a certain outcome, often well; "Things worked out in an interesting way"; "Not everything worked out in the end and we were disappointed"
away from the outer edge; "an inner lane"; "the inside lane"
relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space; "he reached into his inside jacket pocket"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter"
confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge"; "inside information"; "privileged information"
conforming to conventions of sexual behavior; "speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd"- George Santayana
observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress; "a modest neckline in her dress"; "though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards"
decently clothed; "are you decent?"
socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl"
people in general (often used in the plural); "they're just country folk"; "folks around here drink moonshine"; "the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next"
following accepted customs and proprieties; "conventional wisdom"; "she had strayed from the path of conventional behavior"; "conventional forms of address"
unimaginative and conformist; "conventional bourgeois lives"; "conventional attitudes"
(weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy; "conventional warfare"; "conventional weapons"
in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past; "a conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white"; "the conventional handshake"
conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world"
the significance of a story or event; "the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor"
concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles; "moral sense"; "a moral scrutiny"; "a moral lesson"; "a moral quandary"; "moral convictions"; "a moral life"
psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect; "a moral victory"; "moral support"
arising from the sense of right and wrong; "a moral obligation"
relating to principles of right and wrong; i.e. to morals or ethics; "moral philosophy"