Exact Match:
- purport
- have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming; "The letter purports to express people's opinion"
- academic,
- acceptation,
- affective meaning,
- aim,
- aim at,
- allege,
- aspire after,
- aspire to,
- avow,
- be after,
- bearing,
- burden,
- claim,
- coloring,
- connotation,
- consequence,
- core,
- denotation,
- design,
- desire,
- destine,
- determine,
- drift,
- drive at,
- effect,
- essence,
- extension,
- force,
- gist,
- go for,
- grammatical meaning,
- harbor a design,
- have every intention,
- idea,
- impact,
- implication,
- import,
- intend,
- intendment,
- intension,
- lexical meaning,
- literal meaning,
- matter,
- mean,
- meaning,
- meat,
- message,
- ostensible,
- overtone,
- pertinence,
- pith,
- plan,
- point,
- postulated,
- practical consequence,
- presupposed,
- pretend,
- pretended,
- pretext,
- profess,
- professed,
- project,
- propose,
- protest too much,
- purported,
- purpose,
- range of meaning,
- real meaning,
- reference,
- referent,
- relation,
- relevance,
- reputed,
- resolve,
- rumored,
- scope,
- semantic cluster,
- semantic field,
- sense,
- significance,
- significancy,
- signification,
- significatum,
- signifie,
- so-called,
- span of meaning,
- speculative,
- spirit,
- structural meaning,
- substance,
- sum,
- sum and substance,
- supposed,
- suppositional,
- suppositive,
- suspected,
- symbolic meaning,
- tenor,
- theoretical,
- think,
- thrust,
- totality of associations,
- transferred meaning,
- unadorned meaning,
- understanding,
- undertone,
- upshot,
- value