Exact Match:
- relate
- give an account of; "The witness related the events"
- have or establish a relationship to; "She relates well to her peers"
- be in a relationship with; "How are these two observations related?"
- add up,
- affect,
- affirm,
- allege,
- allegorize,
- ally,
- analogize,
- announce,
- answer,
- answer to,
- appertain,
- appertain to,
- apply,
- apply to,
- approach,
- ascribe,
- assert,
- asseverate,
- assign,
- assimilate,
- associate,
- aver,
- balance,
- be OK,
- be into,
- bear,
- bear on,
- bear upon,
- belong to,
- bind,
- bracket,
- break the news,
- bring into analogy,
- bring into comparison,
- bring word,
- cast up,
- cipher up,
- combine,
- communicate,
- communicate with,
- compare,
- compare and contrast,
- compare with,
- comprehend,
- concern,
- confront,
- conjoin,
- connect,
- contact,
- contrast,
- coordinate,
- cope with,
- correlate,
- correspond,
- correspond to,
- count up,
- counterpose,
- couple,
- credit,
- deal with,
- declare,
- delineate,
- describe,
- detail,
- dig,
- divulge,
- do,
- do the job,
- draw a comparison,
- draw a parallel,
- empathize,
- equate,
- establish connection,
- fable,
- fabulize,
- fictionalize,
- figure up,
- fill the bill,
- fit,
- foot up,
- get into,
- get to,
- give a report,
- give tidings of,
- grasp,
- handle,
- have connection with,
- identify,
- identify with,
- impart,
- impute,
- inform,
- interest,
- interrelate,
- interrogate,
- inventory,
- involve,
- itemize,
- join,
- liaise with,
- liken,
- liken to,
- link,
- link with,
- maintain connection,
- make advances,
- make contact with,
- make known,
- make overtures,
- make up to,
- match,
- measure against,
- metaphorize,
- mythicize,
- mythify,
- mythologize,
- narrate,
- novelize,
- nuncupate,
- oppose,
- parallel,
- parallelize,
- pertain,
- pertain to,
- place against,
- present,
- proclaim,
- qualify,
- question,
- quote,
- raise,
- reach,
- recap,
- recapitulate,
- recite,
- reckon up,
- recount,
- refer,
- refer to,
- regard,
- rehearse,
- relate to,
- relativize,
- relevant,
- reply to,
- report,
- respect,
- respond to,
- retell,
- reveal,
- romance,
- rumor,
- run a comparison,
- score up,
- serve,
- set forth,
- set in contrast,
- set in opposition,
- set off against,
- set over against,
- similize,
- state,
- storify,
- suit,
- sum,
- sum up,
- summarize,
- summate,
- sympathize,
- tally up,
- tell,
- tell a story,
- tie,
- tie in with,
- tot up,
- total,
- total up,
- tote up,
- touch,
- touch upon,
- treat of,
- understand,
- unfold a tale,
- unite,
- view together,
- wed,
- weigh,
- weigh against,
- write up,
- yoke