Exact Match:
- statement
- a document showing credits and debits
- a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"
- a nonverbal message; "a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are"; "his tantrums are a statement of his need for attention"
- (music) the presentation of a musical theme; "the initial statement of the sonata"
- Parthian shot,
- a priori principle,
- account,
- account rendered,
- accounting,
- accounts,
- acquaintance,
- acta,
- address,
- admission,
- affidavit,
- affirmance,
- affirmation,
- allegation,
- anacrusis,
- announcement,
- annual,
- annunciation,
- answer,
- apostrophe,
- apriorism,
- articulation,
- assertion,
- asseveration,
- assumed position,
- assumption,
- attest,
- attestation,
- averment,
- avouchment,
- avowal,
- axiom,
- basis,
- bass passage,
- bill,
- bill of account,
- bill of complaint,
- bill of fare,
- bill of lading,
- blue book,
- body count,
- books,
- bourdon,
- bridge,
- brief,
- briefing,
- bulletin,
- bulletin board,
- burden,
- cadence,
- capitulation,
- carte,
- categorical proposition,
- census,
- census report,
- check,
- chorus,
- circular,
- claim,
- coda,
- comment,
- communication,
- communique,
- complaint,
- compurgation,
- conclusion,
- count,
- crack,
- creed,
- data,
- datum,
- declaration,
- deposition,
- description,
- development,
- dictum,
- directory,
- disclosure,
- dispatch,
- division,
- dun,
- edict,
- election returns,
- encyclical,
- enlightenment,
- enunciation,
- evidence,
- exclamation,
- exposition,
- expression,
- facts,
- factual information,
- familiarization,
- figure,
- first principles,
- folderol,
- foundation,
- gen,
- general information,
- greeting,
- ground,
- guidebook,
- handout,
- hard information,
- harmonic close,
- head count,
- hypothesis,
- hypothesis ad hoc,
- incidental information,
- info,
- information,
- instruction,
- instrument in proof,
- intelligence,
- interjection,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- introductory phrase,
- inventory,
- invoice,
- ipse dixit,
- itemized bill,
- knowledge,
- ledger,
- legal evidence,
- lemma,
- libel,
- light,
- major premise,
- manifest,
- manifesto,
- measure,
- mention,
- menu,
- message,
- minor premise,
- minutes,
- movement,
- musical phrase,
- musical sentence,
- narratio,
- narrative,
- nolle prosequi,
- nonsuit,
- nose count,
- note,
- notice,
- notification,
- observation,
- ornament,
- part,
- passage,
- period,
- philosopheme,
- philosophical proposition,
- phrase,
- position,
- position paper,
- positive declaration,
- postulate,
- postulation,
- postulatum,
- predicate,
- predication,
- premise,
- presentation,
- presentment,
- presupposition,
- proceedings,
- proclamation,
- profession,
- program,
- programma,
- promotional material,
- pronouncement,
- pronunciamento,
- proof,
- proposition,
- propositional function,
- protest,
- protestation,
- public notice,
- publication,
- publicity,
- question,
- recapitulation,
- recital,
- reckoning,
- recount,
- recounting,
- reflection,
- refrain,
- rehearsal,
- release,
- remark,
- repertory,
- report,
- resolution,
- response,
- returns,
- ritornello,
- say,
- say-so,
- saying,
- score,
- section,
- sentence,
- sidelight,
- stance,
- stand,
- stanza,
- statement of facts,
- strain,
- subjoinder,
- summary,
- summation,
- summing,
- summing up,
- sumption,
- supposal,
- sworn evidence,
- sworn statement,
- sworn testimony,
- tab,
- tailpiece,
- tally,
- testimonial,
- testimonium,
- testimony,
- the dope,
- the goods,
- the know,
- the record,
- the scoop,
- theorem,
- thesis,
- thought,
- transactions,
- transmission,
- truth table,
- truth-function,
- truth-value,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- ukase,
- utterance,
- variation,
- vent,
- verbalization,
- verse,
- vocalization,
- voice,
- vouch,
- white book,
- white paper,
- witness,
- word,
- yearbook