Exact Match:
- tabby
- female cat
- a cat with a grey or tawny coat mottled with black
- Cheshire cat,
- Chinchilla cat,
- Maltese cat,
- a tale-bearing animal,
- alley cat,
- banded,
- barred,
- blue cat,
- brinded,
- brindle,
- brindled,
- busybody,
- calico cat,
- cat,
- feline,
- gib,
- gib-cat,
- gossip,
- gossip columnist,
- gossiper,
- gossipmonger,
- grimalkin,
- house cat,
- kit,
- kitling,
- kitten,
- kitty,
- kitty-cat,
- listed,
- maiden lady,
- marbled,
- marbleized,
- mouser,
- newsmonger,
- newspaperman,
- old maid,
- puss,
- pussy,
- pussycat,
- quidnunc,
- reporter,
- rumormonger,
- scandalmonger,
- silver cat,
- spinstress,
- streaked,
- streaky,
- striatal,
- striate,
- striated,
- strigate,
- strigose,
- striolate,
- striped,
- stripy,
- tabby cat,
- talebearer,
- taleteller,
- tattler,
- tattletale,
- telltale,
- tiger cat,
- tittle-tattler,
- tom,
- tomcat,
- tortoise-shell cat,
- veined,
- watered,
- yenta