Exact Match:
- takeoff
- a departure; especially of airplanes
- the initial ascent of an airplane as it becomes airborne
- A,
- alpha,
- anabasis,
- ascension,
- ascent,
- base,
- basis,
- beginning,
- blast-off,
- boarding,
- booster rocket,
- burlesque,
- caricature,
- catapult,
- clamber,
- climb,
- climbing,
- commencement,
- copying,
- counterfeiting,
- creation,
- cutting edge,
- dawn,
- edge,
- elevation,
- embarkation,
- embarkment,
- emplanement,
- emulation,
- enplanement,
- entrainment,
- escalade,
- establishment,
- fakery,
- farce,
- flying start,
- following,
- forgery,
- foundation,
- fountain,
- fresh start,
- ground loop,
- gush,
- gyring up,
- hit-off,
- hopoff,
- imitation,
- impersonation,
- imposture,
- impression,
- increase,
- institution,
- jet,
- jump,
- jump-off,
- kick-off,
- lampoon,
- leading edge,
- leap,
- levitation,
- line of departure,
- mimesis,
- mirroring,
- mockery,
- mount,
- mounting,
- new departure,
- oncoming,
- onomatopoeia,
- onset,
- opening,
- origin,
- origination,
- outbreak,
- outset,
- outsetting,
- outstart,
- parody,
- pastiche,
- plagiarism,
- plagiary,
- point of departure,
- port of embarkation,
- repetition,
- rise,
- rising,
- rocketing up,
- rotation,
- running start,
- saltation,
- satire,
- send-off,
- setoff,
- setout,
- setting in motion,
- setting-up,
- shooting up,
- simulation,
- soaring,
- spout,
- spring,
- spurt,
- square one,
- squib,
- start,
- start-off,
- starting,
- starting gate,
- starting place,
- starting point,
- starting post,
- surge,
- take-off,
- taking off,
- travesty,
- upclimb,
- upcoming,
- updraft,
- upgang,
- upgo,
- upgoing,
- upgrade,
- upgrowth,
- uphill,
- upleap,
- uplift,
- upping,
- uprisal,
- uprise,
- uprising,
- uprush,
- upshoot,
- upslope,
- upsurge,
- upsurgence,
- upsweep,
- upswing,
- vault,
- wicked imitation,
- zooming