preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance; "led a dissipated life"; "a betting man"; "a card-playing son of a bitch"; "a gambling fool"; "sporting gents and their ladies"
more distant in especially space or time; "they live in the farther house"
to or at a greater distance in time or space (`farther' is used more frequently than `further' in this physical sense); "farther north"; "moved farther away"; "farther down the corridor"; "the practice may go back still farther to the Druids"; "went only three miles further"; "further in the future"
other than what is under consideration or implied; "ask somebody else"; "I don't know what else to do"; "where else can we look?"
(usually used with `or') if not, then; "watch your step or else you may fall"; "leave or else I'll get angry"
additional to or different from this one or place or time or manner; "nobody else is here"; "she ignored everything else"; "I don't know where else to look"; "when else can we have the party?"; "couldn't decide how else it could be done"