a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides; begun by Cheops around 2700 BC as royal tombs in ancient Egypt
(stock market) a series of transactions in which the speculator increases his holdings by using the rising market value of those holdings as margin for further purchases
a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex
increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base
arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid
use or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal
enlarge one's holdings on an exchange on a continued rise by using paper profits as margin to buy additional amounts
English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded; recalled for his concept of Utopia, the ideal state
used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs; "more interesting"; "more beautiful"; "more quickly"
comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent; "he works more now"; "they eat more than they should"
a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips; "he stared as she buttoned her top"
covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); "he removed the top of the carton"; "he couldn't get the top off of the bottle"; "put the cover back on the kettle"
a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin; "he got a bright red top and string for his birthday"
platform surrounding the head of a lower mast
the greatest possible intensity; "he screamed at the top of his lungs"
the highest or uppermost side of anything; "put your books on top of the desk"; "only the top side of the box was painted"
the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"
the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat; "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth"
finish up or conclude; "They topped off their dinner with a cognac"; "top the evening with champagne"
cut the top off; "top trees and bushes"
strike (the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool) giving it a forward spin
reach or ascend the top of; "The hikers topped the mountain just before noon"
provide with a top; "the towers were topped with conical roofs"
be at the top of or constitute the top or highest point; "A star tops the Christmas Tree"