the activity of operating something (a machine or business etc.); "her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride"
a planned activity involving many people performing various actions; "they organized a rescue operation"; "the biggest police operation in French history"; "running a restaurant is quite an operation"; "consolidate the companies various operations"
a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work; "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations"
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body; "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"; "he died while undergoing surgery"
activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign); "it was a joint operation of the navy and air force"
a business especially one run on a large scale; "a large-scale farming operation"; "a multinational operation"; "they paid taxes on every stage of the operation"; "they had to consolidate their operations"
(computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction); "it can perform millions of operations per second"
process or manner of functioning or operating; "the power of its engine determine its operation"; "the plane's operation in high winds"; "they compared the cooking performance of each oven"; "the jet's performance conformed to high standards"
the state of being in effect or being operative; "that rule is no longer in operation"
the activity or business of negotiating an agreement; coming to terms
a discussion intended to produce an agreement; "the buyout negotiation lasted several days"; "they disagreed but kept an open dialogue"; "talks between Israelis and Palestinians"
a hand tool with a flat face used for smoothing and finishing the surface of plaster or cement or stucco
an elaborate display mounted on a platform carried by a truck (or pulled by a truck) in a procession or parade
the number of shares outstanding and available for trading by the public
the time interval between the deposit of a check in a bank and its payment
convert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation; "float data"
allow (currencies) to fluctuate; "The government floated the ruble for a few months"
make the surface of level or smooth; "float the plaster"
put into the water; "float a ship"
move lightly, as if suspended; "The dancer floated across the stage"
set afloat; "He floated the logs down the river"; "The boy floated his toy boat on the pond"
be in motion due to some air or water current; "The leaves were blowing in the wind"; "the boat drifted on the lake"; "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"; "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"
be afloat; stay on a liquid surface; not sink
circulate or discuss tentatively; test the waters with; "The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform"
carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
give a performance (of something); "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight"; "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"
perform a function; "Who will perform the wedding?"