closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year"
same in identity; "the same man I saw yesterday"; "never wore the same dress twice"; "this road is the same one we were on yesterday"; "on the same side of the street"
lacking brightness or color; dull; "drab faded curtains"; "sober Puritan grey"; "children in somber brown clothes"
lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise; "her drab personality"; "life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas"; "a series of dreary dinner parties"
a term formerly used to mean taking on the gender role of the opposite sex
(counterpoint) a variation of a melody or part in which ascending intervals are replaced by descending intervals and vice versa
(genetics) a kind of mutation in which the order of the genes in a section of a chromosome is reversed
the layer of air near the earth is cooler than an overlying layer
a chemical process in which the direction of optical rotation of a substance is reversed from dextrorotatory to levorotary or vice versa
abnormal condition in which an organ is turned inward or inside out (as when the upper part of the uterus is pulled into the cervical canal after childbirth)