Exact Match:
- tutelage
- teaching pupils individually (usually by a tutor hired privately)
- abetment,
- administration,
- advocacy,
- aegis,
- auspices,
- backing,
- care,
- catechization,
- chair,
- chair of English,
- championship,
- charge,
- charity,
- clientage,
- clientship,
- coaching,
- countenance,
- cure,
- custodianship,
- custody,
- dependence,
- dependency,
- didactics,
- direction,
- edification,
- education,
- encouragement,
- enlightenment,
- favor,
- fellowship,
- fosterage,
- goodwill,
- governance,
- government,
- guardianship,
- guidance,
- hands,
- illumination,
- information,
- instruction,
- interest,
- jurisdiction,
- keeping,
- management,
- ministry,
- oversight,
- pastorage,
- pastorate,
- pastorship,
- patronage,
- pedagogics,
- pedagogy,
- preceptorship,
- private teaching,
- professorate,
- professorhood,
- professoriate,
- professorship,
- programmed instruction,
- protectorship,
- readership,
- reeducation,
- safe hands,
- schooling,
- schoolmastery,
- seconding,
- self-instruction,
- self-teaching,
- sponsorship,
- spoon-feeding,
- stewardship,
- sympathy,
- teachership,
- teaching,
- tuition,
- tutorage,
- tutoring,
- tutorship,
- ward,
- wardenship,
- wardship,
- watch and ward,
- wing