Exact Match:
- vision
- the perceptual experience of seeing; "the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision"; "he had a visual sensation of intense light"
- a vivid mental image; "he had a vision of his own death"
- a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance; "he had a vision of the Virgin Mary"
- Masan,
- Vorstellung,
- apocalypse,
- apparition,
- appearance,
- astral,
- astral spirit,
- bad dream,
- bamboozlement,
- banshee,
- befooling,
- bluffing,
- brainchild,
- brown study,
- bubble,
- calculated deception,
- chimera,
- circumvention,
- conceive,
- concept,
- conception,
- conceptualization,
- conning,
- control,
- daydream,
- deceiving,
- deception,
- deceptiveness,
- defrauding,
- delirium,
- delusion,
- delusiveness,
- departed spirit,
- disembodied spirit,
- dream,
- dupery,
- duppy,
- dybbuk,
- eidetic image,
- eidolon,
- enmeshment,
- ensnarement,
- entanglement,
- entrapment,
- envisage,
- envisaging,
- envision,
- envisioning,
- epitome,
- eye,
- eyeful,
- eyesight,
- fallaciousness,
- fallacy,
- false image,
- falseness,
- fancy,
- fantasque,
- fantasy,
- feature,
- fiction,
- figment,
- figure,
- flimflam,
- flimflammery,
- fond illusion,
- fooling,
- foresight,
- foresightedness,
- form,
- ghost,
- grateful dead,
- guide,
- hallucination,
- hant,
- haunt,
- hoodwinking,
- idea,
- idle fancy,
- idolum,
- illusion,
- image,
- imagery,
- imagery study,
- imagination,
- imagine,
- imaging,
- imagining,
- imagism,
- imagistic poetry,
- immateriality,
- incorporeal,
- incorporeal being,
- incorporeity,
- incubus,
- insight,
- insubstantial image,
- invention,
- kidding,
- larva,
- lemures,
- lifelike image,
- maggot,
- make-believe,
- manes,
- materialization,
- mental image,
- mental picture,
- mental representation,
- mirage,
- muse,
- myth,
- nightmare,
- objectification,
- oni,
- oracle,
- outwitting,
- overreaching,
- perception,
- perspective,
- phantasm,
- phantasma,
- phantasmagoria,
- phantom,
- phasm,
- phenomenon,
- picture,
- picturing,
- pipe dream,
- plan,
- poem,
- poetic imagery,
- poltergeist,
- presence,
- prophecy,
- putting on,
- realize,
- revenant,
- reverie,
- romance,
- scheme,
- seeing,
- self-deception,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shape,
- shrouded spirit,
- sick fancy,
- sight,
- snow job,
- song and dance,
- specter,
- spectral ghost,
- spirit,
- spoofery,
- spoofing,
- spook,
- sprite,
- subterfuge,
- swindling,
- theophany,
- thick-coming fancies,
- thing of beauty,
- trickiness,
- tricking,
- trip,
- understanding,
- unsubstantiality,
- vapor,
- victimization,
- view,
- visual image,
- visualization,
- visualize,
- waking dream,
- walking dead man,
- wandering soul,
- whim,
- whimsy,
- wildest dream,
- wildest dreams,
- willful misconception,
- wishful thinking,
- word-painting,
- wraith,
- zombie