Exact Match:
- weight
- an artifact that is heavy
- sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting; it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms
- the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
- the relative importance granted to something; "his opinion carries great weight"; "the progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed"
- an oppressive feeling of heavy force; "bowed down by the weight of responsibility"
- (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance
- Indian club,
- accent,
- affliction,
- amperage,
- armipotence,
- ascendancy,
- authoritativeness,
- authority,
- balance,
- ballast,
- barbell,
- be heavy,
- beef,
- bitter cup,
- bitter draft,
- bitter draught,
- bitter pill,
- black power,
- bob,
- brim,
- brute force,
- buckram,
- burden,
- burden of care,
- burden with,
- burthen,
- cankerworm of care,
- carat,
- care,
- cargo,
- carry weight,
- centigram,
- ceremonial,
- ceremoniousness,
- ceremony,
- charge,
- charisma,
- charm,
- chock,
- clout,
- cogence,
- cogency,
- compulsion,
- concern,
- concernment,
- congest,
- consequence,
- consequentiality,
- consideration,
- contaminate,
- control,
- corrupt,
- counterbalance,
- cram,
- credit,
- cross,
- crowd,
- crown of thorns,
- cumber,
- cumbrance,
- curse,
- deadweight,
- debase,
- decagram,
- decigram,
- demand,
- difficulty,
- dignity,
- dint,
- disadvantage,
- distress,
- doctor,
- dominance,
- domination,
- dram,
- dram avoirdupois,
- drive,
- dumbbell,
- duress,
- duty,
- dyne,
- effect,
- effectiveness,
- effectuality,
- efficacy,
- embarrassment,
- eminence,
- emphasis,
- enchantment,
- encumber,
- encumbrance,
- energy,
- enjoin,
- esteem,
- exact,
- excellence,
- exerciser,
- extrinsicality,
- fasten upon,
- favor,
- fill,
- fill to overflowing,
- fill up,
- flower power,
- force,
- force majeure,
- forcefulness,
- form,
- formality,
- formalization,
- foul up,
- freight,
- freight with,
- full blast,
- full force,
- gall,
- gall and wormwood,
- good feeling,
- grain,
- gram,
- gravity,
- greatness,
- grievance,
- hamper,
- handicap,
- have weight,
- heft,
- high order,
- high rank,
- hold,
- hold the scales,
- horse,
- hundredweight,
- impediment,
- impedimenta,
- impersonality,
- import,
- importance,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- imposition,
- incidental power,
- inconvenience,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- infliction,
- influence,
- influentiality,
- influentialness,
- insinuation,
- interest,
- jam,
- jam-pack,
- justness,
- kilo,
- kilogram,
- lade,
- lay,
- lay on,
- lead,
- leadership,
- leverage,
- levy,
- lie heavy,
- load,
- long horse,
- lumber,
- magnetism,
- magnitude,
- main force,
- main strength,
- mana,
- mark,
- mass,
- mastery,
- materiality,
- megaton,
- merit,
- might,
- might and main,
- mightiness,
- milligram,
- millstone,
- mole,
- moment,
- momentousness,
- moxie,
- muscle power,
- note,
- onus,
- oppression,
- ounce,
- ounce avoirdupois,
- ounce troy,
- overfill,
- pack,
- pack of troubles,
- pad,
- parallel bars,
- paramountcy,
- peck of troubles,
- penalty,
- pennyweight,
- personality,
- persuasion,
- pith,
- pizzazz,
- place,
- plumb,
- plummet,
- pomp,
- pomposity,
- poop,
- potence,
- potency,
- potentiality,
- pound,
- pound avoirdupois,
- pound troy,
- poundal,
- power,
- power pack,
- power structure,
- power struggle,
- powerfulness,
- precedence,
- predominance,
- preeminence,
- preponderance,
- prepotency,
- pressure,
- prestige,
- primacy,
- primness,
- priority,
- productiveness,
- productivity,
- prominence,
- puissance,
- pull,
- punch,
- punching bag,
- purchase,
- push,
- put,
- put down,
- put on,
- put upon,
- ram in,
- rank,
- reign,
- repute,
- rigidness,
- rings,
- ritual,
- rituality,
- rowing machine,
- rule,
- saddle,
- saddle with,
- sandbag,
- satiate,
- saturate,
- say,
- scruple,
- sea of troubles,
- self-importance,
- seniority,
- set,
- side horse,
- significance,
- signification,
- sinew,
- sinker,
- slug,
- solemnity,
- solidity,
- sophisticate,
- sorrow,
- soundness,
- spoil,
- starchiness,
- stature,
- steam,
- stiffness,
- stiltedness,
- stone,
- strength,
- stress,
- strike a balance,
- strong arm,
- stuff,
- stylization,
- suasion,
- subject to,
- substantiality,
- subtle influence,
- suggestion,
- supercharge,
- superiority,
- superpower,
- supremacy,
- surfeit,
- sway,
- task,
- tax,
- thorn,
- tip the scales,
- ton,
- top off,
- trampoline,
- trapeze,
- trouble,
- units of weight,
- upper hand,
- validity,
- value,
- vehemence,
- vigor,
- vim,
- virility,
- virtue,
- virulence,
- vitality,
- wad,
- waters of bitterness,
- wattage,
- weigh,
- weigh down,
- weigh heavy,
- weigh in,
- weigh out,
- weight down,
- weight down with,
- weightiness,
- whip hand,
- white elephant,
- woe,
- worth,
- yoke with