Exact Match:
- yaw
- an erratic deflection from an intended course
- swerve off course momentarily; "the ship yawed when the huge waves hit it"
- deviate erratically from a set course; "the yawing motion of the ship"
- aberrancy,
- aberration,
- about ship,
- back and fill,
- bank,
- bear away,
- bear off,
- bear to starboard,
- beat,
- beat about,
- bend,
- bias,
- box off,
- branching off,
- break,
- bring about,
- bring round,
- cant,
- cant round,
- cast,
- cast about,
- change course,
- change the heading,
- circuitousness,
- come about,
- corner,
- crab,
- crook,
- curve,
- declination,
- deflection,
- departure,
- detour,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviation,
- deviousness,
- digression,
- dip,
- discursion,
- divagation,
- divarication,
- divergence,
- diversion,
- dogleg,
- double,
- double a point,
- drift,
- drift off course,
- drifting,
- drive,
- errantry,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- exorbitation,
- fall down,
- feather,
- fetch about,
- fetch away,
- fishtail,
- flounder,
- gape,
- go about,
- gybe,
- hairpin,
- heave,
- heave round,
- hobbyhorse,
- horizontal axis,
- indirection,
- jibe,
- jibe all standing,
- loop,
- lurch,
- make heavy weather,
- make leeway,
- miss stays,
- obliquity,
- pay off,
- pererration,
- pitch,
- pitch and toss,
- plow,
- plunge,
- ply,
- porpoise,
- pound,
- pull out,
- pull up,
- push down,
- put about,
- put back,
- rambling,
- rear,
- reel,
- rock,
- roll,
- round a point,
- sag,
- scend,
- sheer,
- shift,
- shifting,
- shifting course,
- shifting path,
- sideslip,
- skew,
- skid,
- slant,
- slew,
- spin,
- spiral,
- straying,
- stunt,
- swag,
- sway,
- sweep,
- swerve,
- swerving,
- swing,
- swing round,
- swing the stern,
- swinging,
- tack,
- throw about,
- tilt,
- tilter,
- toss,
- toss and tumble,
- tumble,
- turn,
- turn back,
- turning,
- twist,
- undulate,
- variation,
- veer,
- wallow,
- wandering,
- warp,
- wear,
- wear ship,
- welter,
- wind,
- yaw off,
- zigzag