temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"
the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped by the heart; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries waste products away"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"
people viewed as members of a group; "we need more young blood in this organization"
smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill
a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first century who fought to the death against the Romans and who killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romans
in conjunction with; combined; "our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together"
in collaboration or cooperation; "this paper was written jointly"
condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning; "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"; "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"
any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention
an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal); rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain