Exact Match:
- Set
- several exercises intended to be done in series; "he did four sets of the incline bench press"
- the act of putting something in position; "he gave a final set to his hat"
- any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals; "the early sets ran on storage batteries"
- (psychology) being temporarily ready to respond in a particular way; "the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution"; "his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set"
- the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon; "before the set of sun"
- a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; "a set of books"; "a set of golf clubs"; "a set of teeth"
- (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols; "the set of prime numbers is infinite"
- an unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot"
- evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris
- a unit of play in tennis or squash; "they played two sets of tennis after dinner"
- set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; "set clocks or instruments"
- put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state; "set the house afire"
- establish as the highest level or best performance; "set a record"
- give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor
- insert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink)
- fix in a border; "The goldsmith set the diamond"
- put into a position that will restore a normal state; "set a broken bone"
- apply or start; "set fire to a building"
- locate; "The film is set in Africa"
- disappear beyond the horizon; "the sun sets early these days"
- A to Z,
- A to izzard,
- Brownian movement,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- Zeitgeist,
- abet,
- accepted,
- accommodate,
- accord,
- accretion,
- acrid,
- aculeate,
- acuminate,
- acute,
- adapt,
- address,
- adhere,
- adherence,
- adhesion,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- advance,
- aesthetic form,
- affix,
- affluence,
- afflux,
- affluxion,
- age group,
- agglomerate,
- agglomeration,
- agglutination,
- aggregate,
- aim,
- aim at,
- air,
- all,
- all and sundry,
- all ready,
- all set,
- allocate,
- allot,
- alpha and omega,
- anchor,
- anchored,
- angular motion,
- animus,
- annex,
- appoint,
- appropriate to,
- aptitude,
- aptness,
- archetype,
- armed,
- armed and ready,
- arrange,
- arranged,
- art form,
- ascending,
- ascent,
- ascertained,
- aspect,
- assemblage,
- assign,
- assign to,
- assigned,
- assimilate,
- assured,
- attach,
- attested,
- attitude,
- attune,
- authorize,
- axial motion,
- azimuth,
- back number,
- back-number,
- backed,
- backflowing,
- backing,
- backward motion,
- balking,
- balky,
- banal,
- band,
- barb,
- base,
- battalion,
- battery,
- be gravid,
- be knocked up,
- be pregnant,
- be seated,
- be with child,
- be-all,
- be-all and end-all,
- bear,
- bearing,
- bearings,
- bed,
- beginning and end,
- belay,
- bend,
- bend to,
- bent,
- bestow,
- bet,
- bevy,
- bewhiskered,
- bias,
- bigoted,
- block,
- block out,
- blood,
- blueprinted,
- body,
- bonded,
- booted and spurred,
- borne,
- bracket,
- branch,
- breed,
- briefed,
- brigade,
- broadcast,
- bromidic,
- brood,
- build,
- build in,
- bulldogged,
- bulletheaded,
- bullheaded,
- bump,
- bunch,
- burden with,
- cabal,
- cabinet,
- cadre,
- cake,
- calcified,
- calculated,
- callous,
- calloused,
- camarilla,
- candy,
- career,
- carry,
- carry young,
- carve,
- case-hardened,
- cast,
- caste,
- category,
- cave,
- cave in,
- celestial navigation,
- cell,
- cement,
- cemented,
- certain,
- certified,
- character,
- charge,
- charmed circle,
- charted,
- chassis,
- chisel,
- chronic,
- cicatrize,
- cinch,
- circle,
- circumscribed,
- circumscript,
- clabber,
- clamp,
- clan,
- clasp,
- class,
- cleave,
- climbing,
- clinch,
- cling,
- cling to,
- clinging,
- clique,
- clock,
- close,
- close up,
- closed circle,
- clot,
- clotting,
- clump,
- cluster,
- clustering,
- coached,
- coagulate,
- coagulation,
- cock,
- cocked,
- cohere,
- coherence,
- cohesion,
- cohesiveness,
- cohort,
- collection,
- common,
- commonplace,
- compaction,
- company,
- complement,
- comportment,
- compose,
- concourse,
- concrete,
- concretion,
- condensation,
- condense,
- conduce,
- configuration,
- confirm,
- confirmed,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- conformable,
- conformation,
- congeal,
- congealment,
- congelation,
- conglobation,
- conglomerate,
- conglomeration,
- console,
- consolidation,
- constant,
- constitution,
- consuetudinary,
- contingent,
- contribute,
- contrived,
- conventional,
- coordinate,
- copy,
- corny,
- corps,
- coterie,
- couple,
- course,
- cover,
- covey,
- cramp,
- create,
- crew,
- crosscurrent,
- crowd,
- crusted,
- crusty,
- crystallize,
- crystallized,
- curd,
- curdle,
- current,
- customary,
- cut,
- cut to,
- cut-and-dried,
- cutting,
- dead reckoning,
- decided,
- decisive,
- decline,
- decree,
- deep-dye,
- deep-dyed,
- deep-engraven,
- deep-fixed,
- deep-grounded,
- deep-laid,
- deep-rooted,
- deep-seated,
- deep-set,
- deep-settled,
- define,
- defined,
- definite,
- defluxion,
- delimited,
- demand,
- demarcated,
- demeanor,
- denominate,
- deployed,
- deportment,
- deposit,
- descend,
- descending,
- descent,
- designate,
- designed,
- destine,
- detachment,
- detail,
- determinate,
- determine,
- determined,
- devised,
- diathesis,
- dibble,
- dictate,
- diehard,
- dip,
- direct,
- direction,
- direction line,
- directionize,
- dispose,
- disposition,
- disseminate,
- division,
- dogged,
- dogmatic,
- double-edged,
- downflow,
- downpour,
- downward motion,
- drift,
- driftage,
- drill,
- droop,
- drop,
- dry,
- dyed-in-the-wool,
- each and every,
- earmark,
- ebb,
- ebbing,
- eccentricity,
- edge,
- edged,
- edition,
- efform,
- elite,
- elite group,
- embed,
- embedded,
- embosomed,
- embossed,
- embrace,
- emplace,
- emplaced,
- encircled,
- engraft,
- engrafted,
- engrave,
- engraved,
- enjoin,
- ensconce,
- ensconced,
- entrench,
- entrenched,
- equalize,
- equipped,
- especial,
- establish,
- established,
- estate,
- etch,
- etched,
- everyday,
- everything,
- exact,
- exposure,
- faction,
- fade,
- familiar,
- familiarized,
- fanatic,
- fashion,
- fast,
- fasten,
- fasten upon,
- fastened,
- fate,
- featheredged,
- figuration,
- figure,
- figured,
- file,
- fine,
- firm,
- firmly established,
- fit,
- fix,
- fix on,
- fixed,
- fleet,
- flight,
- flinty,
- flood,
- flop,
- flop down,
- flow,
- flow back,
- flow in,
- flow out,
- flowing,
- fluency,
- flump,
- flump down,
- flush,
- flux,
- foment,
- forest,
- forge,
- form,
- formalize,
- format,
- formation,
- forward motion,
- fossilized,
- found,
- founder,
- frame,
- freeze to,
- freight with,
- frontage,
- fusty,
- game,
- gang,
- gear to,
- gel,
- gelatinate,
- gelatinize,
- generally accepted,
- genius,
- genre,
- gestate,
- get up steam,
- give way,
- glacial movement,
- glued,
- go,
- go down,
- good and ready,
- grade,
- graft,
- grain,
- granulate,
- granulated,
- grapple,
- grasp,
- graven,
- grind,
- groomed,
- ground,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- grow together,
- guaranteed,
- gush,
- hackney,
- hackneyed,
- hang on,
- hang together,
- hardened,
- hardheaded,
- harmonize,
- hatch,
- have a tendency,
- head,
- heading,
- headstrong,
- heal,
- heal over,
- hedged about,
- helmsmanship,
- hew,
- hold,
- hold a heading,
- hold on,
- hold together,
- homologate,
- homologize,
- hone,
- hornified,
- housing,
- hover,
- hug,
- idiosyncrasy,
- immovable,
- impact,
- implant,
- implanted,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- impress,
- impressed,
- impression,
- imprint,
- imprinted,
- in arms,
- in battle array,
- in readiness,
- in the bag,
- in the saddle,
- in the works,
- in-group,
- inclination,
- incline,
- incorrigible,
- incrassate,
- incrusted,
- incubate,
- inculcated,
- indelibly impressed,
- indicate,
- individualism,
- indurate,
- indurated,
- ineffectual,
- infix,
- infixed,
- inflexible,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- inflow,
- informed,
- ingrain,
- ingrained,
- ingroup,
- ingrown,
- inner circle,
- inner form,
- inscribe,
- inseminate,
- inseparability,
- inspissate,
- install,
- installed,
- instigate,
- instilled,
- instruct,
- instrument,
- instrumentate,
- intent,
- intolerant,
- invest,
- inveterate,
- inwrought,
- irreversible,
- issue,
- jam,
- jammed,
- jell,
- jellify,
- jelly,
- junction,
- junta,
- junto,
- justify,
- keen,
- keen-edged,
- key to,
- kidney,
- kin,
- kit,
- knack,
- knead,
- knifelike,
- knit,
- knock out,
- knot,
- label,
- lapidified,
- lapse,
- lay,
- lay down,
- lay on,
- lay out,
- lay the foundation,
- layout,
- lead,
- lean,
- leaning,
- length and breadth,
- level,
- level at,
- levy,
- library,
- library edition,
- lick into shape,
- lie,
- limited,
- line,
- line of direction,
- line of march,
- line of position,
- load,
- loaded,
- loaded for bear,
- located,
- lodge,
- long-established,
- look to,
- look-alikes,
- lopper,
- lot,
- lower,
- loyal,
- lump,
- made sure,
- main current,
- mainstream,
- make,
- make an adaptation,
- make assignments,
- make fast,
- make obligatory,
- make plumb,
- make uniform,
- make up,
- makeup,
- mark,
- mark off,
- mark out for,
- mass,
- matching pair,
- matrix,
- mature,
- mean,
- measure,
- melodize,
- mental set,
- mention,
- methodized,
- mettle,
- mien,
- mill run,
- millrace,
- mind,
- mind-set,
- mint,
- mise-en-scene,
- mob,
- mobilized,
- modality,
- mode,
- model,
- mold,
- moor,
- moth-eaten,
- motion,
- mounting,
- movement,
- mulish,
- musicalize,
- musty,
- nailed down,
- name,
- narrow,
- nature,
- navigation,
- normal,
- nose,
- number,
- oblique motion,
- obstinate,
- obtaining,
- oilstone,
- old hat,
- old-line,
- on a rock,
- on bedrock,
- on ice,
- on the agenda,
- on the anvil,
- on the calendar,
- on the carpet,
- on the docket,
- on the mark,
- on the tapis,
- one and all,
- ongoing,
- onrush,
- onward course,
- open-and-shut,
- opinionated,
- orchestrate,
- ordain,
- order,
- ordinary,
- organized,
- orientation,
- ossified,
- out-group,
- outfit,
- outflow,
- overrun,
- overzealous,
- pack,
- package,
- package deal,
- pair,
- paltry,
- park,
- party,
- passage,
- pattern,
- peer group,
- perch,
- persevering,
- persist,
- pertinacious,
- petrified,
- phalanx,
- pi,
- pi a form,
- pick out,
- pigeonhole,
- pigheaded,
- pilotage,
- piloting,
- pin down,
- pitch,
- place,
- placed,
- planned,
- plant,
- planted,
- platitudinous,
- platoon,
- play,
- plop,
- plop down,
- plotted,
- plump,
- plunging,
- point,
- point at,
- point out,
- point to,
- popular,
- port,
- portion off,
- pose,
- posit,
- position,
- position line,
- positioned,
- posse,
- post,
- posted,
- pot,
- pour,
- prearranged,
- predicament,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- preference,
- prepare,
- prepared,
- prepared and ready,
- prescribe,
- prescribed,
- prescriptive,
- presence,
- present,
- prevalent,
- prime,
- primed,
- print,
- printing,
- proclivity,
- progress,
- projected,
- proportion,
- prototype,
- proved,
- provided,
- provoke,
- psyched up,
- put,
- put down,
- put in,
- put in tune,
- put on,
- put to,
- put to music,
- put up,
- put upon,
- quarter,
- race,
- radial motion,
- radio,
- radio bearing,
- radio receiver,
- radio set,
- radio telescope,
- raise,
- random motion,
- range,
- rank,
- rating,
- rationalized,
- razor-edged,
- ready,
- ready for anything,
- received,
- receiver,
- receiving set,
- reconcile,
- rectify,
- redound to,
- reflowing,
- refluence,
- reflux,
- reforest,
- regiment,
- regression,
- regular,
- regulate,
- regulation,
- regurgitate,
- reinforced,
- remain seated,
- require,
- reserve,
- reset,
- resolute,
- resolved,
- restive,
- restrict,
- restrict to,
- retimber,
- retrogression,
- right,
- right itself,
- rigid,
- rigidified,
- ring,
- ripe,
- rising,
- riveted,
- roost,
- root,
- rooted,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- rubric,
- run,
- rush,
- saddle with,
- sag,
- salon,
- sapling,
- scab over,
- scatter seed,
- scenery,
- schedule,
- scheduled,
- schematized,
- school edition,
- scion,
- sclerotic,
- score,
- screw up,
- sculpt,
- sculpture,
- seat,
- seated,
- section,
- secure,
- seed,
- seed down,
- seedling,
- select,
- self-willed,
- seminate,
- sept,
- series,
- serve,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- set in,
- set in print,
- set off,
- set on,
- set right,
- set to,
- set to music,
- set toward,
- set up,
- setting,
- settle,
- settle down,
- settled,
- settled in habit,
- shape,
- shaped,
- sharp,
- sharpen,
- shoot,
- show a tendency,
- sideward motion,
- sight on,
- significant form,
- signify,
- similarize,
- sink,
- sink down,
- sinking,
- sit,
- sit down,
- situate,
- situated,
- slant,
- slip,
- slouch,
- slump,
- slump down,
- small,
- soaring,
- solidification,
- solidified,
- solidify,
- sot,
- sound,
- sow,
- sow broadcast,
- spate,
- special,
- specialize,
- specific,
- specified,
- specify,
- spiculate,
- spotted,
- spread,
- sprig,
- sprout,
- spur,
- squad,
- square,
- stabilized,
- stable,
- stage,
- stage set,
- stage setting,
- stake,
- stale,
- stamp,
- standard,
- staple,
- state,
- stated,
- station,
- stationed,
- status,
- staunch,
- stay,
- stay put,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- steam up,
- steeled,
- steely,
- steer,
- steerage,
- steering,
- stereotype,
- stereotyped,
- sternway,
- stick,
- stick together,
- sticking,
- stiff-necked,
- stiffened,
- stipulate,
- stipulated,
- stir up,
- stock,
- strain,
- strap,
- strategetic,
- strategic,
- stratum,
- streak,
- stream,
- strengthened,
- string,
- stripe,
- strong-willed,
- strongheaded,
- strop,
- structure,
- stubborn,
- stuck,
- style,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- subject to,
- submerge,
- submit,
- suborder,
- subside,
- subsiding,
- sucker,
- suit,
- suite,
- sulky,
- sullen,
- sur le tapis,
- surge,
- surge back,
- surrounded,
- swag,
- swing,
- sync,
- synchronize,
- systematized,
- tactical,
- tag,
- tailor,
- take a set,
- take hold of,
- talent,
- taped,
- taper,
- task,
- tax,
- team,
- temper,
- temperament,
- tenacious,
- tend,
- tend to go,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- tested,
- the corpus,
- the ensemble,
- the entirety,
- the general tendency,
- the lot,
- the main course,
- the whole,
- the whole range,
- thermoform,
- thick,
- thicken,
- thorough,
- threadbare,
- tide,
- tight,
- tighten,
- time spirit,
- time-honored,
- timeworn,
- title,
- tone,
- toughened,
- track,
- trade book,
- trade edition,
- traditional,
- train,
- train upon,
- traject,
- trajet,
- transcribe,
- transplant,
- transpose,
- trend,
- tribe,
- trice up,
- tried,
- trim,
- trim to,
- trite,
- troop,
- troupe,
- true,
- true up,
- truistic,
- tune,
- turn,
- turn of mind,
- turn upon,
- twig,
- twins,
- twist,
- two-edged,
- type,
- unbending,
- uncooperative,
- undeflectable,
- undercurrent,
- undertow,
- unflappable,
- unoriginal,
- unregenerate,
- unshaken,
- unswerving,
- unyielding,
- up in arms,
- upward motion,
- usual,
- verge,
- vest,
- vested,
- vigilant,
- vitrified,
- volume,
- wager,
- warm up,
- warmed-over,
- warp,
- warranted,
- water flow,
- way,
- we-group,
- wedge,
- wedged,
- weight down with,
- well-established,
- well-founded,
- well-grounded,
- well-known,
- well-prepared,
- well-set,
- well-settled,
- well-worn,
- whet,
- whip up,
- widespread,
- willful,
- wind,
- wind up,
- wing,
- wireless,
- wireless set,
- wonted,
- work,
- work toward,
- worked out,
- worn,
- worn thin,
- write,
- yoke with