the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability"
the boundary of a specific area
as far as something can go
the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed; "there are limits on the amount you can bet"; "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight"
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
the furthest or highest degree of something; "he carried it to extremes"
most distant in any direction; "the extreme edge of town"
of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity; "extreme cold"; "extreme caution"; "extreme pleasure"; "utmost contempt"; "to the utmost degree"; "in the uttermost distress"
far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree; to an utmost degree; "an extreme example"; "extreme temperatures"; "extreme danger"
beyond a norm in views or actions; "an extreme conservative"; "an extreme liberal"; "extreme views on integration"; "extreme opinions"