an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support); "distance was marked by standards every mile"; "lamps supported on standards provided illumination"
a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; "the schools comply with federal standards"; "they set the measure for all subsequent work"
the value behind the money in a monetary system
a board measure = 1980 board feet
commonly used or supplied; "standard procedure"; "standard car equipment"
regularly and widely used or sold; "a standard size"; "a stock item"
established or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence; "a standard reference work"
conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; "windows of standard width"; "standard sizes"; "the standard fixtures"; "standard brands"; "standard operating procedure"
conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English" (British)
a common stock of a nationally known company whose value and dividends are reliable; typically have high price and low yield; "blue chips are usually safe investments"
any of numerous small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
blue clothing; "she was wearing blue"
blue color or pigment; resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytime; "he had eyes of bright blue"
any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue; "the Union army was a vast blue"
causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather"
of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; "October's bright blue weather"- Helen Hunt Jackson; "a blue flame"; "blue haze of tobacco smoke"
low in spirits; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"
used to signify the Union forces in the American Civil War (who wore blue uniforms); "a ragged blue line"
suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip"
the flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge in the atmosphere (or something resembling such a flash); can scintillate for a second or more
abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light
furiously angry; "willful stupidity makes him absolutely livid"
(of a light) imparting a deathlike luminosity; "livid lightning streaked the sky"; "a thousand flambeaux...turned all at once that deep gloom into a livid and preternatural day"- E.A.Poe