Exact Match:
- chair
- a seat for one person, with a support for the back; "he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down"
- act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university; "She chaired the department for many years"
- Eames chair,
- Hitchcock chair,
- TV chair,
- administer,
- administrate,
- anoint,
- armchair,
- armless chair,
- authority,
- ax,
- back seat,
- banquette,
- bar stool,
- barber chair,
- barrel chair,
- basket chair,
- batwing chair,
- be master,
- bed chair,
- beheading,
- bench,
- bicycle seat,
- block,
- boudoir chair,
- bow-back chair,
- bucket seat,
- burning,
- camp chair,
- campaign chair,
- capital punishment,
- captain,
- chair of English,
- chairman,
- club chair,
- club lounge chair,
- comb-back chair,
- command,
- contour chair,
- convener,
- cricket,
- cricket chair,
- cross,
- crown,
- crucifixion,
- curule chair,
- dais,
- death chair,
- death chamber,
- decapitation,
- decollation,
- defenestration,
- dining chair,
- direct,
- directorship,
- discipline,
- draft chair,
- drop,
- easy chair,
- elbowchair,
- electric chair,
- electrocution,
- enthrone,
- execution,
- fan-back chair,
- fauteuil,
- fellowship,
- fender stool,
- folding chair,
- foldstool,
- form,
- fusillade,
- gallows,
- gallows-tree,
- garden chair,
- garrote,
- gas chamber,
- gassing,
- gibbet,
- govern,
- guillotine,
- halter,
- hanging,
- hassock,
- head,
- helm,
- hemlock,
- hemp,
- hempen collar,
- high chair,
- horse,
- hot seat,
- inaugurate,
- induct,
- install,
- instate,
- invest,
- judicial murder,
- ladder-back chair,
- lapidation,
- lead,
- leader,
- lethal chamber,
- maiden,
- manage,
- milking stool,
- moderate,
- moderator,
- necktie party,
- noose,
- occupy the chair,
- officer,
- officiate,
- ottoman,
- oversee,
- overstuffed chair,
- pew,
- place,
- place in office,
- platform rocker,
- poisoning,
- position,
- preceptorship,
- preside,
- preside over,
- presiding officer,
- professorate,
- professorhood,
- professoriate,
- professorship,
- put in,
- readership,
- regulate,
- rocker,
- rocking chair,
- rope,
- run,
- saddle,
- scaffold,
- schoolmastery,
- seat,
- seat of power,
- seat of state,
- sedan chair,
- settle,
- shooting,
- speaker,
- stake,
- stand over,
- step stool,
- stoning,
- stool,
- strangling,
- strangulation,
- supervise,
- swing,
- taboret,
- teachership,
- the ax,
- the block,
- the chair,
- the gallows,
- the gas chamber,
- the guillotine,
- the hot seat,
- the rope,
- throne,
- tree,
- tutelage,
- tutorage,
- tutorship,
- wield authority,
- woolsack