Exact Match:
- chattel
- personal as opposed to real property; any tangible movable property (furniture or domestic animals or a car etc)
- acquest,
- belongings,
- bondmaid,
- bondman,
- bondslave,
- bondsman,
- bondswoman,
- captive,
- chattel slave,
- chattels,
- churl,
- concubine,
- debt slave,
- effects,
- estate and effects,
- galley slave,
- goods,
- havings,
- helot,
- hereditament,
- holdings,
- homager,
- incorporeal hereditament,
- lares and penates,
- liege,
- liege man,
- liege subject,
- movables,
- odalisque,
- peon,
- possessions,
- properties,
- property,
- serf,
- servant,
- slave,
- subject,
- theow,
- things,
- thrall,
- vassal,
- villein