Exact Match:
- correspondent
- someone who communicates by means of letters
- a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
- accordant,
- accused,
- addressee,
- affirmative,
- agreeable,
- agreeing,
- alike,
- all one,
- all the same,
- ally,
- alter ego,
- analogon,
- analogous,
- analogue,
- answerable,
- answering,
- associate,
- at one,
- automatic,
- balanced,
- brother,
- city editor,
- close copy,
- close match,
- coequal,
- coexistent,
- coexisting,
- coextensive,
- cognate,
- coherent,
- coincident,
- coincidental,
- coinciding,
- columnist,
- commensurate,
- communicator,
- companion,
- comparable,
- compatible,
- complement,
- complemental,
- complementary,
- concordant,
- concurring,
- conformable,
- congenator,
- congener,
- congenial,
- congruent,
- congruous,
- consentaneous,
- consentient,
- consistent,
- consonant,
- constant,
- continuous,
- convertible,
- cooperating,
- cooperative,
- coordinate,
- copy chief,
- copy editor,
- copyman,
- copyreader,
- correlate,
- correlative,
- corresponding,
- coterminous,
- counterpart,
- cub reporter,
- defendant,
- diaskeuast,
- duplicate,
- each other,
- editor,
- editorial writer,
- en rapport,
- equable,
- equal,
- equiparant,
- equipollent,
- equivalent,
- even,
- feature editor,
- fellow,
- flat,
- foreign correspondent,
- gazetteer,
- harmonious,
- homogeneous,
- homologous,
- identical,
- image,
- immutable,
- in accord,
- in agreement,
- in rapport,
- in sync,
- in synchronization,
- inaccordance,
- inharmony,
- interviewer,
- invariable,
- journalist,
- kindred spirit,
- leader writer,
- leg man,
- letter writer,
- level,
- libelee,
- like,
- like-minded,
- likeness,
- managing editor,
- match,
- matching,
- mate,
- measured,
- mechanical,
- methodic,
- monolithic,
- much the same,
- near duplicate,
- news editor,
- newsman,
- newspaperman,
- newspaperwoman,
- newswriter,
- obverse,
- of a kind,
- of a piece,
- of a size,
- of like mind,
- of one mind,
- on all fours,
- one another,
- ordered,
- orderly,
- own correspondent,
- paragrapher,
- paragraphist,
- parallel,
- paralleling,
- pen pal,
- pendant,
- persistent,
- picture,
- positive,
- pressman,
- prisoner,
- proportionate,
- publicist,
- reader,
- reciprocal,
- reciprocatist,
- reciprocative,
- reciprocator,
- reconcilable,
- regular,
- reporter,
- respondent,
- reviser,
- rewrite man,
- rewriter,
- robotlike,
- second self,
- self-consistent,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- sister,
- slotman,
- smooth,
- sob sister,
- soul mate,
- special correspondent,
- sports editor,
- stable,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- stringer,
- subeditor,
- such,
- suchlike,
- suspect,
- symbiotic,
- synchronized,
- synchronous,
- synonymous,
- systematic,
- tally,
- tantamount,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- twin,
- unanimous,
- unbroken,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- undeviating,
- undifferentiated,
- undiversified,
- uniform,
- unisonant,
- unisonous,
- unruffled,
- unvaried,
- unvarying,
- war correspondent,
- writer