established in a desired position or place; not moving about; "nomads...absorbed among the settled people"; "settled areas"; "I don't feel entirely settled here"; "the advent of settled civilization"
established or decided beyond dispute or doubt; "with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night"
literary term for an ocean; "denizens of the deep"
the central and most intense or profound part; "in the deep of night"; "in the deep of winter"
exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy; "deep political machinations"; "a deep plot"
strong; intense; "deep purple"; "a rich red"
very distant in time or space; "deep in the past"; "deep in enemy territory"; "deep in the woods"; "a deep space probe"
having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination; "a deep well"; "a deep dive"; "deep water"; "a deep casserole"; "a deep gash"; "deep massage"; "deep pressure receptors in muscles"; "deep shelves"; "a deep closet"; "surrounded by a deep yard"; "hit the ball to deep center field"; "in deep space"; "waist-deep"
relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply; "a deep breath"; "a deep sigh"; "deep concentration"; "deep emotion"; "a deep trance"; "in a deep sleep"
with head or back bent low; "a deep bow"
large in quantity or size; "deep cuts in the budget"
extreme; "in deep trouble"; "deep happiness"
marked by depth of thinking; "deep thoughts"; "a deep allegory"
relatively thick from top to bottom; "deep carpets"; "deep snow"
extending relatively far inward; "a deep border"
to far into space; "penetrated deep into enemy territory"; "went deep into the woods";
to an advanced time; "deep into the night"; "talked late into the evening"
an eastern subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian languages
constituting or living in the open sea; "oceanic waters"; "oceanic life"
resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degree; "the oceanic violence of his rage"
relating to or occurring or living in or frequenting the open ocean; "oceanic islands like Bermuda"; "oceanic currents"; "oceanic birds"; "pelagic organisms"; "pelagic whaling"
being or affecting or concerned with a surface; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually; "superficial similarities"; "a superficial mind"; "his thinking was superficial and fuzzy"; "superficial knowledge"; "the superficial report didn't give the true picture"; "only superficial differences"
of little substance or significance; "a few superficial editorial changes"; "only trivial objections"
relating to a surface; "superficial measurements"; "the superficial area of the wall"
the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary; "there is a special cleaner for these surfaces"; "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface"
a superficial aspect as opposed to the real nature of something; "it was not what it appeared to be on the surface"
the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface"
the outermost level of the land or sea; "earthquakes originate far below the surface"; "three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water"
characterized by a high degree or intensity; often used as a combining form; "the questioning was intensive"; "intensive care"; "research-intensive"; "a labor-intensive industry"
of agriculture; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor; "intensive agriculture"; "intensive conditions"
tending to give force or emphasis; "an intensive adverb"
acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"
at a rapid tempo; "the band played a fast fox trot"
(used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time; "my watch is fast"
securely fixed in place; "the post was still firm after being hit by the car"
resistant to destruction or fading; "fast colors"
(of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds; "a fast road"; "grass courts are faster than clay"
quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form); "how fast can he get here?"; "ran as fast as he could"; "needs medical help fast"; "fast-running rivers"; "fast-breaking news"; "fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters"
firmly or tightly; "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuck fast"; "held tight"
abstain from eating; "Before the medical exam, you must fast"
abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"
inside or closer to the inside of the body; "the inner ear"
located inward; "Beethoven's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle"- Leonard Bernstein; "she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it"- David Denby; "an internal sense of rightousness"- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
innermost or essential; "the inner logic of Cubism"; "the internal contradictions of the theory"; "the intimate structure of matter"
exclusive to a center; especially a center of influence; "inner regions of the organization"; "inner circles of government"