change from one form or medium into another; "Braque translated collage into oil"
change the position of (figures or bodies) in space without rotation
determine the amino-acid sequence of a protein during its synthesis by using information on the messenger RNA
restate (words) from one language into another language; "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S."; "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"; "She rendered the French poem into English"; "He translates for the U.N."
express, as in simple and less technical language; "Can you translate the instructions in this manual for a layman?"; "Is there a need to translate the psychiatrist's remarks?"
bring to a certain spiritual state
subject to movement in which every part of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point on the body
be translatable, or be translatable in a certain way; "poetry often does not translate"; "Tolstoy's novels translate well into English"
be equivalent in effect; "the growth in income translates into greater purchasing power"
a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode
be in or establish communication with; "Our advertisements reach millions"; "He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia"
move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense; "Government reaches out to the people"
reach a point in time, or a certain state or level; "The thermometer hit 100 degrees"; "This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour"
reach a destination, either real or abstract; "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"
reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team"; "We made it!"; "She may not make the grade"
to extend as far as; "The sunlight reached the wall"; "Can he reach?" "The chair must not touch the wall"
being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "alien customs"; "exotic plants in a greenhouse"; "exotic cuisine"
not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something; "an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism"; "the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper"; "jealousy is foreign to her nature"
transfer property or ownership; "The will aliened the property to the heirs"
an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredom; "he could not suppress a yawn"; "the yawning in the audience told him it was time to stop"; "he apologized for his oscitancy"
utter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired; "The child yawned during the long performance"
too small or unimportant to merit attention; "passed his life in an inconsiderable village"; "their duties were inconsiderable"; "had no inconsiderable influence"
marked by keen caution and watchful prudence; "they were wary in their movements"; "a wary glance at the black clouds"; "taught to be wary of strangers"