Exact Match:
- destination
- the ultimate goal for which something is done
- Friday,
- Friday the thirteenth,
- Z,
- address,
- aim,
- anchorage,
- apodosis,
- appointed lot,
- astral influences,
- astrology,
- billhead,
- book of fate,
- bourn,
- butt,
- by-end,
- by-purpose,
- catastrophe,
- ceasing,
- cessation,
- coda,
- conclusion,
- constellation,
- consummation,
- crack of doom,
- culmination,
- cup,
- curtain,
- curtains,
- death,
- decease,
- denouement,
- destiny,
- dies funestis,
- direction,
- doom,
- effect,
- end,
- end in view,
- end point,
- ending,
- envoi,
- epilogue,
- eschatology,
- expiration,
- fatality,
- fate,
- final cause,
- final solution,
- final twitch,
- final words,
- finale,
- finality,
- finis,
- finish,
- foredoom,
- fortune,
- future,
- game,
- goal,
- harbor,
- haven,
- ides of March,
- inevitability,
- izzard,
- kismet,
- last,
- last breath,
- last gasp,
- last stop,
- last things,
- last trumpet,
- last words,
- latter end,
- mark,
- moira,
- name and address,
- object,
- object in mind,
- objective,
- omega,
- payoff,
- period,
- peroration,
- planets,
- port,
- portion,
- postal zone,
- prey,
- pursuit,
- quarry,
- quietus,
- quintain,
- reason for being,
- resolution,
- resting place,
- stars,
- stop,
- stoppage,
- stopping place,
- superscription,
- swan song,
- target,
- teleology,
- term,
- terminal,
- terminal point,
- termination,
- terminus,
- ultimate aim,
- unlucky day,
- weird,
- wheel of fortune,
- will of Heaven,
- windup,
- zip code,
- zone