Exact Match:
- discussion
- an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic; "the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic"; "his treatment of the race question is badly biased"
- an exchange of views on some topic; "we had a good discussion"; "we had a word or two about it"
- airing,
- analysis,
- argument,
- article,
- audience,
- bargaining,
- bargaining session,
- bull session,
- buzz session,
- canvassing,
- causerie,
- chat,
- colloquium,
- colloquy,
- conclave,
- confab,
- confabulation,
- conference,
- confrontation,
- congress,
- consideration,
- consultation,
- convention,
- conversation,
- council,
- council fire,
- council of war,
- debate,
- debating,
- deliberation,
- descant,
- dialectic,
- dialogue,
- discourse,
- disquisition,
- dissertation,
- essay,
- etude,
- examination,
- exchange,
- exchange of views,
- excursus,
- exposition,
- eyeball-to-eyeball encounter,
- feature,
- first approach,
- forum,
- high-level talk,
- homily,
- huddle,
- interchange of views,
- interview,
- introductory study,
- investigation,
- joint discussion,
- logical analysis,
- logical discussion,
- lucubration,
- meeting,
- memoir,
- monograph,
- morceau,
- negotiations,
- news conference,
- note,
- open discussion,
- open forum,
- outline,
- palaver,
- pandect,
- panel discussion,
- paper,
- paragraph,
- parley,
- piece,
- pourparler,
- powwow,
- preliminary study,
- press conference,
- prolegomenon,
- rap,
- rap session,
- research paper,
- review,
- screed,
- scrutiny,
- seance,
- seminar,
- session,
- sitting,
- sketch,
- special article,
- study,
- summit,
- summit conference,
- summitry,
- survey,
- symposium,
- talk,
- term paper,
- theme,
- thesis,
- town meeting,
- tract,
- tractate,
- treatise,
- treatment,
- ventilation