Exact Match:
- duel
- any struggle between two skillful opponents (individuals or groups)
- a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor
- fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman; "In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters"
- affair of honor,
- battle,
- box,
- brawl,
- broil,
- buck,
- clash,
- close,
- collide,
- combat,
- come to blows,
- contend,
- contest,
- cut and thrust,
- dispute,
- exchange blows,
- fence,
- feud,
- fight,
- fight a duel,
- give and take,
- give satisfaction,
- grapple,
- grapple with,
- jostle,
- joust,
- mix it up,
- monomachy,
- oppose,
- quarrel,
- rassle,
- repel,
- riot,
- run a tilt,
- satisfaction,
- scramble,
- scuffle,
- single combat,
- skirmish,
- spar,
- strive,
- struggle,
- thrust and parry,
- tilt,
- tourney,
- traverse,
- tussle,
- wage war,
- war,
- withstand,
- wrestle