Exact Match:
- extension
- act of expanding in scope; making more widely available; "extension of the program to all in need"
- act of stretching or straightening out a flexed limb
- an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who not enrolled as regular students
- an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line
- amount or degree or range to which something extends; "the wire has an extension of 50 feet"
- the ability to raise the working leg high in the air; "the dancer was praised for her uncanny extension"; "good extension comes from a combination of training and native ability"
- a string of characters beginning with a period and followed by one to three letters; the optional second part of a PC computer filename; "most applications provide extensions for the files they create"; "most BASIC files use the filename extension .BAS"
- a mutually agreed delay in the date set for the completion of a job or payment of a debt; "they applied for an extension of the loan"
- L,
- access,
- accession,
- accessory,
- accompaniment,
- accretion,
- accrual,
- accruement,
- accumulation,
- acreage,
- addenda,
- addendum,
- additament,
- addition,
- additive,
- additory,
- additum,
- adjunct,
- adjuvant,
- advance,
- affective meaning,
- aggrandizement,
- alternate,
- alternative school,
- ambit,
- ampliation,
- amplification,
- amplitude,
- annex,
- annexation,
- appanage,
- appendage,
- appendant,
- appendix,
- appreciation,
- appurtenance,
- appurtenant,
- area,
- arm,
- ascent,
- attachment,
- augment,
- augmentation,
- ballooning,
- bearing,
- bigness,
- blab school,
- bloating,
- block,
- boarding school,
- body,
- boom,
- boost,
- breadth,
- broadening,
- buildup,
- bulk,
- caliber,
- call box,
- capacity,
- central school,
- coda,
- coin telephone,
- coloring,
- coming after,
- compass,
- complement,
- comprehensiveness,
- concomitant,
- connotation,
- consecution,
- consecutiveness,
- consequence,
- consolidated school,
- continualness,
- continuance,
- continuation,
- continuation school,
- continuing,
- continuity,
- continuum,
- corollary,
- correspondence school,
- country day school,
- coverage,
- crescendo,
- dame school,
- day school,
- denotation,
- deployment,
- depth,
- descent,
- desk telephone,
- development,
- dial telephone,
- diameter,
- dimension,
- dimensions,
- dispersion,
- distance,
- distension,
- drawing out,
- drift,
- edema,
- effect,
- elevation,
- ell,
- elongation,
- emptiness,
- empty space,
- endurance,
- enlargement,
- essence,
- evening school,
- expanse,
- expansion,
- extensiveness,
- extent,
- extrapolation,
- fanning out,
- field,
- finishing school,
- fixture,
- flare,
- flood,
- following,
- force,
- free school,
- gain,
- galactic space,
- gauge,
- girth,
- gist,
- grammatical meaning,
- greatening,
- greatness,
- growth,
- gush,
- height,
- hike,
- hiking,
- idea,
- impact,
- implication,
- import,
- increase,
- increment,
- infinite space,
- infinity,
- inflation,
- informal school,
- intension,
- interstellar space,
- jump,
- largeness,
- leap,
- length,
- lengthening,
- lengthiness,
- lexical meaning,
- line,
- lineage,
- linear measures,
- lingering,
- literal meaning,
- logical sequence,
- long time,
- longitude,
- longness,
- magnification,
- magnitude,
- maintenance,
- mass,
- meaning,
- measure,
- measurement,
- mileage,
- mounting,
- mouthpiece,
- multiplication,
- night school,
- nongraded school,
- nothingness,
- offshoot,
- open classroom school,
- orbit,
- order,
- order of succession,
- outer space,
- overall length,
- overtone,
- pay station,
- pendant,
- pensionat,
- perpetuation,
- perpetuity,
- perseverance,
- persistence,
- pertinence,
- phone,
- pith,
- platoon school,
- point,
- posteriority,
- postposition,
- practical consequence,
- private school,
- procession,
- procrastination,
- production,
- productiveness,
- progress,
- progression,
- progressive school,
- proliferation,
- prolongation,
- proportion,
- proportions,
- protraction,
- public school,
- public telephone,
- purport,
- pursuance,
- purview,
- push-button telephone,
- radius,
- raise,
- raising,
- range,
- range of meaning,
- reach,
- real meaning,
- receiver,
- reference,
- referent,
- reinforcement,
- relation,
- relevance,
- repetition,
- rise,
- rotation,
- run,
- scale,
- school without walls,
- scope,
- semantic cluster,
- semantic field,
- sense,
- sequence,
- series,
- side effect,
- side issue,
- significance,
- signification,
- significatum,
- signifie,
- size,
- snowballing,
- space,
- span,
- span of meaning,
- spatial extension,
- special school,
- sphere,
- spirit,
- splay,
- spread,
- spreading,
- spreading out,
- staying power,
- storefront school,
- straight course,
- strain,
- street academy,
- stretch,
- stretching,
- stringing out,
- structural meaning,
- subjunction,
- substance,
- succession,
- successiveness,
- suffixation,
- sum,
- sum and substance,
- summer school,
- superficial extension,
- supplement,
- surface,
- surge,
- sustained action,
- sustenance,
- sweep,
- swelling,
- symbolic meaning,
- tailpiece,
- telephone,
- telephone booth,
- telephone engineering,
- telephone extension,
- telephone mechanics,
- telephone receiver,
- telephonics,
- telephony,
- tenor,
- tension,
- totality of associations,
- tract,
- transferred meaning,
- transmitter,
- tumescence,
- unadorned meaning,
- undergirding,
- undertone,
- uninterrupted course,
- union school,
- unremittingness,
- up,
- upping,
- upsurge,
- upswing,
- uptrend,
- upturn,
- vacation school,
- value,
- volume,
- wall telephone,
- waxing,
- way,
- widening,
- width,
- wing,
- yardage