Exact Match:
- fellow
- an informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?"
- Adamite,
- Casanova,
- Don Juan,
- Greek,
- Lothario,
- Romeo,
- abecedarian,
- accessory,
- accompanier,
- accompanist,
- accompanying,
- accompanyist,
- ace,
- acquaintance,
- adjunct,
- advocate,
- affiliate,
- affiliated,
- allied,
- ally,
- alter ego,
- amigo,
- amoroso,
- analogon,
- analogue,
- associate,
- associated,
- attendant,
- attending,
- auxiliary,
- backer,
- bastard,
- beau,
- bedfellow,
- bedmate,
- being,
- belonger,
- best friend,
- bird,
- bloke,
- body,
- bosom buddy,
- bosom friend,
- boy,
- boyfriend,
- brother,
- brother-in-arms,
- bub,
- bubba,
- buck,
- bud,
- buddy,
- bugger,
- bunkie,
- bunkmate,
- butty,
- caballero,
- camarade,
- card-carrier,
- card-carrying member,
- cardholder,
- casual acquaintance,
- cat,
- cavalier,
- cavaliere servente,
- certified teacher,
- chamberfellow,
- chap,
- character,
- charter member,
- chum,
- classmate,
- close acquaintance,
- close copy,
- close friend,
- close match,
- clubber,
- clubman,
- clubwoman,
- coacting,
- coactive,
- coadjutant,
- coadjutor,
- coadjuvant,
- coefficient,
- coequal,
- cognate,
- cohort,
- coincident,
- collaborative,
- collateral,
- colleague,
- collective,
- collectivist,
- collectivistic,
- collusive,
- colt,
- comate,
- combined,
- commensal,
- committeeman,
- common,
- communal,
- communalist,
- communalistic,
- communist,
- communistic,
- communitarian,
- companion,
- companion piece,
- company,
- compatriot,
- compeer,
- complement,
- comrade,
- concerted,
- concomitant,
- concordant,
- concurrent,
- confederate,
- confidant,
- confidante,
- confrere,
- congenator,
- congener,
- conjoint,
- conniving,
- consociate,
- consort,
- conventioneer,
- conventioner,
- conventionist,
- cooperant,
- cooperating,
- cooperative,
- coordinate,
- copartner,
- copy,
- correlate,
- correlative,
- correspondent,
- counterpart,
- coupled,
- creature,
- crony,
- cub,
- customer,
- dead ringer,
- ditto,
- docent,
- doctor,
- dominie,
- don,
- double,
- duck,
- dues-paying member,
- duplicate,
- earthling,
- ecumenic,
- educationist,
- educator,
- effigy,
- enlistee,
- enrollee,
- equal,
- equipollent,
- equivalent,
- esquire,
- exact likeness,
- familiar,
- favorer,
- feller,
- fellow creature,
- fellow member,
- fellow student,
- fellowman,
- flame,
- fledgling,
- fraternity man,
- friend,
- gallant,
- gee,
- geezer,
- gent,
- gentleman,
- gigolo,
- girl friend,
- gossip,
- groundling,
- guide,
- guildsman,
- guru,
- guy,
- hand,
- harmonious,
- harmonized,
- he,
- head,
- hobbledehoy,
- homo,
- honorary member,
- human,
- human being,
- icon,
- idol,
- image,
- inamorato,
- individual,
- initiate,
- inseparable friend,
- insider,
- instructor,
- intimate,
- jasper,
- joined,
- joiner,
- joint,
- joker,
- kid,
- kindred spirit,
- lad,
- laddie,
- lady-killer,
- life,
- life member,
- like,
- likeness,
- living image,
- living picture,
- living soul,
- love,
- love-maker,
- lover,
- maestro,
- man,
- manchild,
- master,
- match,
- mate,
- melamed,
- member,
- mentor,
- messmate,
- miniature,
- mirroring,
- model,
- mortal,
- muchacho,
- mullah,
- mutual,
- near duplicate,
- necker,
- neighbor,
- noncompetitive,
- nose,
- obverse,
- old crony,
- old man,
- one,
- one of us,
- opposite number,
- other self,
- paired,
- pal,
- pandit,
- parallel,
- pard,
- pardner,
- partisan,
- partner,
- party,
- pedagogist,
- pedagogue,
- peer,
- pendant,
- person,
- personage,
- personality,
- petter,
- philanderer,
- photograph,
- pickup,
- picture,
- playfellow,
- playmate,
- pledge,
- portrait,
- preceptor,
- professor,
- pundit,
- pup,
- puppy,
- rabbi,
- reciprocal,
- reflection,
- related,
- repository,
- resemblance,
- rival,
- roommate,
- rubbing,
- schoolboy,
- schoolfellow,
- schoolkeeper,
- schoolmaster,
- schoolmate,
- schoolteacher,
- second self,
- seducer,
- semblance,
- shadow,
- sheik,
- shipmate,
- side partner,
- sidekick,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- simultaneous,
- single,
- sister,
- socius,
- somebody,
- someone,
- sonny,
- sonny boy,
- sorority girl,
- sorority woman,
- soul,
- soul mate,
- spit and image,
- spitting image,
- squire,
- starets,
- stud,
- such,
- suchlike,
- sugar daddy,
- suitor,
- supporter,
- swain,
- sweetheart,
- symbiotic,
- sympathizer,
- synergetic,
- synergic,
- synergistic,
- tally,
- teacher,
- teammate,
- tellurian,
- terran,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- trace,
- tracing,
- twin,
- uncompetitive,
- very image,
- very picture,
- well-wisher,
- whelp,
- workfellow,
- worldling,
- yokefellow,
- yokemate,
- young man,
- youth