devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment; "the blunt truth"; "the crude facts"; "facing the stark reality of the deadline"
characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank accusation"
used of a knife or other blade; not sharp; "a blunt instrument"
having a broad or rounded end; "thick marks made by a blunt pencil"
(of persons) freed from or not subject to an obligation or liability (as e.g. taxes) to which others or other things are subject; "a beauty somehow exempt from the aging process"; "exempt from jury duty"; "only the very poorest citizens should be exempt from income taxes"
grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to; "She exempted me from the exam"
(music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound); "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"; "the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet"
the act of forcing something out by squeezing or pressing; "the expression of milk from her breast"
the feelings expressed on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"
expression without words; "tears are an expression of grief"; "the pulse is a reflection of the heart's condition"
the communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions; "expressions of good will"; "he helped me find verbal expression for my ideas"; "the idea was immediate but the verbalism took hours"