carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
give a performance (of something); "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight"; "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"
perform a function; "Who will perform the wedding?"
bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail"
induce or persuade; "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"
go or come after and bring or take back; "Get me those books over there, please"; "Could you bring the wine?"; "The dog fetched the hat"
be accompanied by; "Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?"
cause to come into a particular state or condition; "Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point"
cause to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"
attract the attention of; "The noise and the screaming brought the curious"
take something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the boss"; "This brings me to the main point"
administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"
make available; "The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia"
be mathematically distributive
be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses; "Values distribute"
spread throughout a given area; "the function distributes the values evenly"
appeal or request earnestly; "I pleaded with him to stop"
enter a plea, as in courts of law; "She pleaded not guilty"
offer as an excuse or plea; "She was pleading insanity"
make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts